Claudio Braccesi
Claudio Braccesi
Ordinario di Progettazione Meccanica e Costruzione di Macchine - Univ. Perugia
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Random fatigue. A new frequency domain criterion for the damage evaluation of mechanical components
C Braccesi, F Cianetti, L Tomassini
International Journal of Fatigue 70, 417-427, 2015
Fatigue behaviour analysis of mechanical components subject to random bimodal stress process: frequency domain approach
C Braccesi, F Cianetti, G Lori, D Pioli
International Journal of Fatigue 27 (4), 335-345, 2005
The frequency domain approach in virtual fatigue estimation of non-linear systems: The problem of non-Gaussian states of stress
C Braccesi, F Cianetti, G Lori, D Pioli
International Journal of Fatigue 31 (4), 766-775, 2009
A general elastic–plastic approach to impact analisys for stress state limit evaluation in ball screw bearings return system
C Braccesi, L Landi
International Journal of Impact Engineering 34 (7), 1272-1285, 2007
Random multiaxial fatigue: A comparative analysis among selected frequency and time domain fatigue evaluation methods
C Braccesi, F Cianetti, G Lori, D Pioli
International Journal of Fatigue 74, 107-118, 2015
An equivalent uniaxial stress process for fatigue life estimation of mechanical components under multiaxial stress conditions
C Braccesi, F Cianetti, G Lori, D Pioli
International Journal of Fatigue 30 (8), 1479-1497, 2008
An innovative modal approach for frequency domain stress recovery and fatigue damage evaluation
C Braccesi, F Cianetti, L Tomassini
International Journal of Fatigue 91, 382-396, 2016
Evaluation of mechanical component fatigue behavior under random loads: indirect frequency domain method
C Braccesi, F Cianetti, G Lori, D Pioli
International Journal of Fatigue 61, 141-150, 2014
Multibody modelling of N DOF robot arm assigned to milling manufacturing. Dynamic analysis and position errors evaluation
S Baglioni, F Cianetti, C Braccesi, DM De Micheli
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 30, 405-420, 2016
Correction formula approach to evaluate fatigue damage induced by non-Gaussian stress state
F Cianetti, M Palmieri, C Braccesi, G Morettini
Procedia Structural Integrity 8, 390-398, 2018
Least squares estimation of main properties of sound absorbing materials through acoustical measurements
C Braccesi, A Bracciali
Applied Acoustics 54 (1), 59-70, 1998
Fatigue damage assessment in wide-band uniaxial random loadings by PSD decomposition: outcomes from recent research
D Benasciutti, C Braccesi, F Cianetti, A Cristofori, R Tovo
International Journal of Fatigue 91, 248-250, 2016
Development of selection methodologies and procedures of the modal set for the generation of flexible body models for multi-body simulation
C Braccesi, F Cianetti
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part K: Journal of …, 2004
Development of a new simple energy method for life prediction in multiaxial fatigue
C Braccesi, G Morettini, F Cianetti, M Palmieri
International Journal of Fatigue 112, 1-8, 2018
The effort of the dynamic simulation on the fatigue damage evaluation of flexible mechanical systems loaded by non-Gaussian and non stationary loads
F Cianetti, M Palmieri, J Slavič, C Braccesi, G Morettini
International Journal of Fatigue 103, 60-72, 2017
The design of durability tests by fatigue damage spectrum approach
F Cianetti, A Alvino, A Bolognini, M Palmieri, C Braccesi
Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures 41 (4), 787-796, 2018
Random loads fatigue: The use of spectral methods within multibody simulation
C Braccesi, F Cianetti, L Landi
International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and …, 2005
Fast evaluation of stress state spectral moments
C Braccesi, F Cianetti, L Tomassini
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 127, 4-9, 2017
A frequency method for fatigue life estimation of mechanical components under bimodal random stress process
C Braccesi, F Cianetti, G Lori, D Pioli
Structural Durability & Health Monitoring 1 (4), 277, 2005
The importance of dynamic behaviour of vibrating systems on the response in case of non-Gaussian random excitations
C Braccesi, F Cianetti, M Palmieri, G Zucca
Procedia Structural Integrity 12, 224-238, 2018
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20