Ian Marquette
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Superintegrability with third order integrals of motion, cubic algebras, and supersymmetric quantum mechanics. II. Painlevé transcendent potentials
I Marquette
Journal of mathematical physics 50 (9), 2009
Superintegrability with third order integrals of motion, cubic algebras, and supersymmetric quantum mechanics. I. Rational function potentials
I Marquette
Journal of mathematical physics 50 (1), 2009
Superintegrable systems with third-order integrals of motion
I Marquette, P Winternitz
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 41 (30), 304031, 2008
Superintegrability and higher order polynomial algebras
I Marquette
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 43 (13), 135203, 2010
New families of superintegrable systems from Hermite and Laguerre exceptional orthogonal polynomials
I Marquette, C Quesne
Journal of Mathematical Physics 54 (4), 2013
Two-step rational extensions of the harmonic oscillator: exceptional orthogonal polynomials and ladder operators
I Marquette, C Quesne
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 46 (15), 155201, 2013
Supersymmetry as a method of obtaining new superintegrable systems with higher order integrals of motion
I Marquette
Journal of mathematical physics 50 (12), 2009
Polynomial Poisson algebras for classical superintegrable systems with a third-order integral of motion
I Marquette, P Winternitz
Journal of mathematical physics 48 (1), 012902, 2007
New ladder operators for a rational extension of the harmonic oscillator and superintegrability of some two-dimensional systems
I Marquette, C Quesne
Journal of mathematical physics 54 (10), 2013
An infinite family of superintegrable systems from higher order ladder operators and supersymmetry
I Marquette
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 284, 012047, 2011
Fourth order superintegrable systems separating in Cartesian coordinates I. Exotic quantum potentials
I Marquette, M Sajedi, P Winternitz
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 50 (31), 315201, 2017
Generalized MICZ-Kepler system, duality, polynomial, and deformed oscillator algebras
I Marquette
Journal of mathematical physics 51 (10), 2010
Construction of classical superintegrable systems with higher order integrals of motion from ladder operators
I Marquette
Journal of Mathematical Physics 51, 072903, 2010
Classical ladder operators, polynomial Poisson algebras and classification of superintegrable systems
I Marquette
Journal of Mathematical Physics 53, 012901, 2012
Combined state-adding and state-deleting approaches to type III multi-step rationally extended potentials: Applications to ladder operators and superintegrability
I Marquette, C Quesne
Journal of Mathematical Physics 55 (11), 2014
Connection between quantum systems involving the fourth Painlevé transcendent and k-step rational extensions of the harmonic oscillator related to Hermite exceptional …
I Marquette, C Quesne
Journal of Mathematical Physics 57 (5), 2016
Quadratic algebra structure and spectrum of a new superintegrable system in N-dimension
MF Hoque, I Marquette, YZ Zhang
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 48 (18), 185201, 2015
Generalized Heine–Stieltjes and Van Vleck polynomials associated with two-level, integrable BCS models
I Marquette, J Links
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2012 (08), P08019, 2012
Generalized five-dimensional Kepler system, Yang-Coulomb monopole and Hurwitz transformation
I Marquette
Journal of Mathematical Physics 53, 022103, 2012
Exact solution of the p+ ip Hamiltonian revisited: duality relations in the hole-pair picture
J Links, I Marquette, A Moghaddam
arXiv preprint arXiv:1502.06600, 2015
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