Wei-Chun Chu
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Theory of ultrafast autoionization dynamics of Fano resonances
WC Chu, CD Lin
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 82 (5), 053415, 2010
Photoabsorption of attosecond XUV light pulses by two strongly laser-coupled autoionizing states
WC Chu, CD Lin
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 85 (1), 013409, 2012
Laser-assisted-autoionization dynamics of helium resonances with single attosecond pulses
WC Chu, SF Zhao, CD Lin
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 84 (3), 033426, 2011
Observation of autoionization dynamics and sub-cycle quantum beating in electronic molecular wave packets
M Reduzzi, WC Chu, C Feng, A Dubrouil, J Hummert, F Calegari, ...
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 49 (6), 065102, 2016
Absorption and emission of single attosecond light pulses in an autoionizing gaseous medium dressed by a time-delayed control field
WC Chu, CD Lin
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 87 (1), 013415, 2013
Controlling atomic line shapes
CD Lin, WC Chu
Science 340 (6133), 694-695, 2013
Photoionization of the Be isoelectronic sequence: total cross sections
WC Chu, HL Zhou, A Hibbert, ST Manson
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 42 (20), 205003, 2009
Resonant enhancement of a single attosecond pulse in a gas medium by a time-delayed control field
WC Chu, CD Lin
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 45 (20), 201002, 2012
Near-ionization-threshold emission in atomic gases driven by intense sub-cycle pulses
WC Chu, JC Travers, PSJ Russell
New Journal of Physics 18 (2), 023018, 2016
Probing dipole-forbidden autoionizing states by isolated attosecond pulses
WC Chu, T Morishita, CD Lin
Physical Review A 89, 033427, 2014
CLEO: QELS_Fundamental Science
G Sansone, M Reduzzi, A Dubrouil, C Feng, M Nisoli, F Calegari, CD Lin, ...
Washington, DC: Optical Society of America) pp QF2C–1, 2013
Attosecond absorption spectroscopy in molecules
G Sansone, M Reduzzi, A Dubrouil, C Feng, M Nisoli, F Calegari, CD Lin, ...
Conf. Lasers Electro Opt. Electron. Laser Sci, 2013
Attosecond absorption spectroscopy in molecules
M Reduzzi, C Feng, WC Chu, A Dubrouil, F Calegari, M Nisoli, F Frassetto, ...
CLEO: 2013, 1-2, 2013
Probing and controlling autoionization dynamics with attosecond light pulses in a strong dressing laser field
WC Chu, T Morishita, CD Lin
Chinese Journal Of Physics 52 (1-II), 2014
Evolution of overlapping resonances along an isoelectronic sequence
WC Chu, HL Zhou, A Hibbert, ST Manson
Physical Review A 82 (1), 013417, 2010
Satellite lines in the photoionization of ions: The Be isoelectronic sequence
WC Chu, HL Zhou, A Hibbert, ST Manson
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 81 (5), 053412, 2010
Near-Ionization-Threshold Emission in High-Harmonic Generation Driven by Single-Cycle Pulses
WC Chu, F Tani, KF Mak, JC Travers, PSJ Russell
The European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CG_P_11, 2015
Generation and Control of Isolated Attosecond Pulses by Fiber-Compressed Sub-Cycle Pulses
WC Chu, KF Mak, JC Travers, P Russell
Advanced Photonics, NTu1A.2, 2014
Attosecond dynamics of autoionizing states in electronic molecular wave packets
M Reduzzi, WC Chu, C Feng, A Dubrouil, J Hummert, F Calegari, ...
International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena, 08. Tue. A. 2, 2014
Probing and controlling autoionization dynamics of atoms with attosecond light pulses
WC Chu, CD Lin
Progress in Ultrafast Intense Laser Science: Volume IX, 111-134, 2013
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Articoli 1–20