Frances Milliken
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Searching for common threads: Understanding the multiple effects of diversity in organizational groups
FJ Milliken, LL Martins
Academy of management review 21 (2), 402-433, 1996
Organizational silence: A barrier to change and development in a pluralistic world
EW Morrison, FJ Milliken
Academy of Management review 25 (4), 706-725, 2000
Three types of perceived uncertainty about the environment: State, effect, and response uncertainty
FJ Milliken
Academy of Management review 12 (1), 133-143, 1987
Cognition and corporate governance: Understanding boards of directors as strategic decision-making groups
DP Forbes, FJ Milliken
Academy of management review 24 (3), 489-505, 1999
An exploratory study of employee silence: Issues that employees don’t communicate upward and why
FJ Milliken, EW Morrison, PF Hewlin
Journal of management studies 40 (6), 1453-1476, 2003
Executives' perceptual filters: What they notice and how they make sense
WH Starbuck, FJ Milliken
SSRN, 2015
The role of managerial learning and interpretation in strategic persistence and reorientation: An empirical exploration
TK Lant, FJ Milliken, B Batra
Strategic management journal 13 (8), 585-608, 1992
Perceiving and interpreting environmental change: An examination of college administrators' interpretation of changing demographics
FJ Milliken
Academy of management Journal 33 (1), 42-63, 1990
Challenger: Fine‐tuning the odds until something breaks
WH Starbuck, FJ Milliken
Journal of management studies 25 (4), 319-340, 1988
The Changing Nature of Work: Careers, Identities, and Work Lives in the 21st Century
SR Barley, BA Bechky, FJ Milliken
Academy of Management Discoveries 3 (2), 111-115, 2017
Shades of silence: Emerging themes and future directions for research on silence in organizations
FJ Milliken, EW Morrison
Journal of Management Studies 40 (6), 1563-1568, 2003
Diversity and creativity in work groups: A dynamic perspective on the affective and cognitive processes that link diversity and performance.
FJ Milliken, CA Bartel, TR Kurtzberg
Oxford University Press, 2003
The effect of an organization's recent performance history on strategic persistence and change: The role of managerial interpretations
FJ Milliken, TK Lant
Leonard N. Stern School of Business, New York University, 1990
Explaining organizational responsiveness to work-family issues: The role of human resource executives as issue interpreters
FJ Milliken, LL Martins, H Morgan
Academy of Management Journal 41 (5), 580-592, 1998
Mapping learning processes in organizations: A multi-level framework linking learning and organizing
MA Glynn, TK Lant, FJ Milliken
Advances in managerial cognition and organizational information processing 5 …, 1994
Keys to action: Understanding differences in organizations' responsiveness to work‐and‐family issues
H Morgan, FJ Milliken
Human Resource Management 31 (3), 227-248, 1992
The evolution of strategic simplicity: Exploring two models of organizational adaption
D Miller, TK Lant, FJ Milliken, HJ Korn
Journal of Management 22 (6), 863-887, 1996
Racioethnic diversity and group members’ experiences: The role of the racioethnic diversity of the organizational context
LL Martins, FJ Milliken, BM Wiesenfeld, SR Salgado
Group & Organization Management 28 (1), 75-106, 2003
Strategic decision-making tasks and group effectiveness: Insights from theory and research on small group performance
FJ Milliken, DA Vollrath
Human Relations 44 (12), 1229-1253, 1991
Power differences in the construal of a crisis: The immediate aftermath of September 11, 2001
JC Magee, FJ Milliken, AR Lurie
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 36 (3), 354-370, 2010
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
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