Jason E. Plaks
Jason E. Plaks
Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Toronto
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Person theories and attention allocation: preferences for stereotypic versus counterstereotypic information.
JE Plaks, SJ Stroessner, CS Dweck, JW Sherman
Journal of personality and social psychology 80 (6), 876, 2001
Automatic social behavior as motivated preparation to interact.
J Cesario, JE Plaks, ET Higgins
Journal of personality and social psychology 90 (6), 893, 2006
Violations of implicit theories and the sense of prediction and control: implications for motivated person perception.
JE Plaks, H Grant, CS Dweck
Journal of personality and social psychology 88 (2), 245, 2005
Static versus dynamic theories and the perception of groups: Different routes to different destinations
SR Levy, JE Plaks, Y Hong, C Chiu, CS Dweck
Lay Theories and Their Role in the Perception of Social Groups, 156-168, 2001
Lay theories of personality: Cornerstones of meaning in social cognition
JE Plaks, SR Levy, CS Dweck
Social and Personality Psychology Compass 3 (6), 1069-1081, 2009
“Meaningful” social inferences: Effects of implicit theories on inferential processes
DC Molden, JE Plaks, CS Dweck
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 42 (6), 738-752, 2006
The ecology of automaticity: How situational contingencies shape action semantics and social behavior
J Cesario, JE Plaks, N Hagiwara, CD Navarrete, ET Higgins
Psychological Science 21 (9), 1311-1317, 2010
Unexpected improvement, decline, and stasis: a prediction confidence perspective on achievement success and failure.
JE Plaks, K Stecher
Journal of personality and social psychology 93 (4), 667, 2007
Impressions at the intersection of ambiguous and obvious social categories: Does gay+ Black= likable?
JD Remedios, AL Chasteen, NO Rule, JE Plaks
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 47 (6), 1312-1315, 2011
Pragmatic use of stereotyping in teamwork: Social loafing and compensation as a function of inferred partner–situation fit.
JE Plaks, ET Higgins
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 79 (6), 962, 2000
Understanding the mechanisms underlying the effects of negative age stereotypes and perceived age discrimination on older adults’ well-being
M Marquet, AL Chasteen, JE Plaks, L Balasubramaniam
Aging & mental health 23 (12), 1666-1673, 2019
Folk beliefs about human genetic variation predict discrete versus continuous racial categorization and evaluative bias
JE Plaks, LW Malahy, M Sedlins, Y Shoda
Social Psychological and Personality Science 3 (1), 31-39, 2012
Entity versus incremental theories predict older adults’ memory performance.
JE Plaks, AL Chasteen
Psychology and aging 28 (4), 948, 2013
Empathy for the group versus indifference toward the victim: Effects of anxious and avoidant attachment on moral judgment
JS Robinson, S Joel, JE Plaks
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 56, 139-152, 2015
Implicit theories and social understanding
SR Levy, JE Plaks, CS Dweck
Dual-process theories in social psychology, 179-202, 1999
Implicit theories: Assumptions that shape social and moral cognition
JE Plaks
Advances in experimental social psychology 56, 259-310, 2017
Illusory correlation and stereotype formation: Tracing the arc of research over a quarter century
SJ Stroessner, JE Plaks
Cognitive social psychology, 247-259, 2013
Why do conservatives report being happier than liberals? The contribution of neuroticism
CM Burton, JE Plaks, JB Peterson
Journal of Social and Political Psychology 3 (1), 89-102, 2015
Conservatives anticipate and experience stronger emotional reactions to negative outcomes
S Joel, CM Burton, JE Plaks
Journal of personality 82 (1), 32-43, 2014
Regret for errors of commission and omission in the distant term versus near term: The role of level of abstraction
FR Leach, JE Plaks
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 35 (2), 221-229, 2009
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
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