BingKan Xue
BingKan Xue
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Benefits of phenotypic plasticity for population growth in varying environments
BK Xue, S Leibler
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 115 (50), 12745-12750, 2018
Nonperturbative analysis of the evolution of cosmological perturbations<? format?> through a nonsingular bounce
BK Xue, D Garfinkle, F Pretorius, PJ Steinhardt
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 88 (8), 083509, 2013
Environment-to-phenotype mapping and adaptation strategies in varying environments
BK Xue, P Sartori, S Leibler
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 116 (28), 13847-13855, 2019
Evolution of curvature and anisotropy near a nonsingular bounce
BK Xue, PJ Steinhardt
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 84 (8), 083520, 2011
Unstable growth of curvature perturbations in nonsingular bouncing cosmologies
BK Xue, PJ Steinhardt
Physical review letters 105 (26), 261301, 2010
Evolutionary learning of adaptation to varying environments through a transgenerational feedback
BK Xue, S Leibler
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 113 (40), 11266, 2016
Bacterial growth control mechanisms inferred from multivariate statistical analysis of single-cell measurements
M Kohram, H Vashistha, S Leibler, BK Xue, H Salman
Current Biology 31 (5), 955-964. e4, 2021
Bet hedging against demographic fluctuations
BK Xue, S Leibler
Physical Review Letters 119 (10), 108103, 2017
Nongenetic individuality, changeability, and inheritance in bacterial behavior
M Pleška, D Jordan, Z Frentz, BK Xue, S Leibler
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (13), e2023322118, 2021
Nonsingular bouncing cosmology
BK Xue
Princeton University, 2013
Muon charge information from geomagnetic deviation in inclined extensive air showers
BK Xue, BQ Ma
Astroparticle Physics 27 (4), 286-295, 2007
Robust retrieval of dynamic sequences through interaction modulation
L Herron, P Sartori, BK Xue
PRX Life 1 (2), 023012, 2023
Regularization of the big bang singularity with a time varying equation of state
BK Xue, E Belbruno
Classical and Quantum Gravity 31 (16), 165002, 2014
A theoretical perspective on Waddington’s genetic assimilation experiments
A Raju, BK Xue, S Leibler
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (51), e2309760120, 2023
Heterogeneity of interaction strengths and its consequences on ecological systems
Z Jackson, BK Xue
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 1905, 2023
Effect of compositional fluctuation on the survival of bet-hedging species
X Zhou, BK Xue
Journal of Theoretical Biology 553, 111270, 2022
Crosstalk enables mutual activation of coupled quorum sensing pathways through “jump-start” and “push-start” mechanisms
JG Sanders, H Akl, SJ Hagen, BK Xue
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 19230, 2023
Regularization of the big bang singularity with random perturbations
E Belbruno, BK Xue
Classical and Quantum Gravity 35 (6), 065013, 2018
Dynamic trait distribution as a source for shifts in interaction strength and population density
Z Jackson, BK Xue
The American Naturalist 204 (1), 000-000, 2024
The four fixed points of scale invariant single field cosmological models
BK Xue
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2012 (10), 054, 2012
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