The circular chromatic number of a digraph D Bokal, G Fijavz, M Juvan, PM Kayll, B Mohar
Journal of Graph Theory 46 (3), 227-240, 2004
139 2004 Conduction in cosputtered Au-SiO 2 films SP McAlister, AD Inglis, PM Kayll
Physical Review B 31 (8), 5113, 1985
31 1985 On pebbling threshold functions for graph sequences A Czygrinow, N Eaton, G Hurlbert, PM Kayll
Discrete mathematics 247 (1-3), 93-105, 2002
30 2002 On the stochastic independence properties of hard-core distributions J Kahn, PM Kayll
Combinatorica 17 (3), 369-391, 1997
29 1997 Fractional v. integral covers in hypergraphs of bounded edge size J Kahn, PM Kayll
journal of combinatorial theory, Series A 78 (2), 199-235, 1997
23 1997 Uniquely D -colourable Digraphs with Large Girth A Harutyunyan, PM Kayll, B Mohar, L Rafferty
Canadian Journal of Mathematics 64 (6), 1310-1328, 2012
16 2012 König–Egerváry graphs are non-Edmonds P Mark Kayll
Graphs and Combinatorics 26 (5), 721-726, 2010
11 2010 On constant-weight TSP-tours S Jones, P Kayll, B Mohar, W Wallis
Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory 23 (2), 287-307, 2003
10 2003 Well-spread sequences and edge-labellings with constant Hamilton-weight PM Kayll
Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science 6, 2004
9 2004 Integrals Don’t Have Anything to Do with Discrete Math, Do They? PM Kayll
Mathematics Magazine 84 (2), 108-119, 2011
8 2011 Asymptotically good covers in hypergraphs PM Kayll
Rutgers The State University of New Jersey, School of Graduate Studies, 1994
7 1994 Combinatorial proof of an Abel-type identity PM Kayll, D Perkins
J. Combin. Math. Combin. Comput 70, 33-40, 2009
6 2009 A note on weak Sidon sequences PM Kayll
Discrete mathematics 299 (1-3), 141-144, 2005
6 2005 Normal" distributions on matchings in a multigraph: overview with applications PM Kayll
Congr. Numer 107, 179-191, 1995
5 1995 A chip-firing variation and a new proof of Cayley's formula PM Kayll, D Perkins
Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science 15 (Graph Theory), 2013
4 2013 Asymptotically good choice numbers of multigraphs PM Kayll
4 2001 Uniquely -colourable digraphs with large girth II: simplification via generalization PM Kayll, E Parsa
arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.01981, 2020
3 2020 Two chromatic conjectures: one for vertices and one for edges PM Kayll
Graph Theory: Favorite Conjectures and Open Problems-1, 171-194, 2016
3 2016 Deranged Matchings: Enumeration by Integration!! PM Kayll
The American Mathematical Monthly 122 (1), 51-51, 2015
3 2015 Another short proof of the Joni-Rota-Godsil integral formula for counting bipartite matchings EE Emerson, PM Kayll
Contributions to Discrete Mathematics 4 (2), 2009
3 2009