Cold intimacies: The making of emotional capitalism E Illouz Polity, 2007 | 3289 | 2007 |
Saving the modern soul: Therapy, emotions, and the culture of self-help E Illouz Univ of California Press, 2008 | 2167 | 2008 |
Consuming the romantic utopia: Love and the cultural contradictions of capitalism E Illouz Univ of California Press, 2023 | 1900 | 2023 |
Intimidades congeladas: las emociones en el capitalismo E Illouz Katz editores, 2007 | 1298 | 2007 |
Why love hurts: A sociological explanation E Illouz Polity, 2012 | 1175 | 2012 |
Gefühle in Zeiten des Kapitalismus: Adorno-Vorlesungen 2004 E Illouz Suhrkamp Verlag, 2013 | 844 | 2013 |
El consumo de la utopía romántica: El amor y las contradicciones culturales del capitalismo E Illouz Katz editores, 2009 | 706 | 2009 |
Die Errettung der modernen Seele: Therapien, Gefühle und die Kultur der Selbsthilfe E Illouz, M Adrian Suhrkamp, 2009 | 589 | 2009 |
Warum Liebe weh tut: eine soziologische Erklärung E Illouz Suhrkamp Verlag, 2011 | 572 | 2011 |
Oprah Winfrey and the glamour of misery: An essay on popular culture E Illouz Columbia University Press, 2003 | 572 | 2003 |
Por qué duele el amor. Una explicación sociológica E Illouz Katz editores, 2012 | 568 | 2012 |
La salvación del alma moderna: terapia, emociones y la cultura de la autoayuda I Eva Katz editores, 2010 | 532 | 2010 |
O amor nos tempos do capitalismo E Illouz Zahar, 2011 | 472 | 2011 |
Les sentiments du capitalisme E Illouz Seuil, 2006 | 422 | 2006 |
Emotions, imagination and consumption: A new research agenda E Illouz Journal of consumer culture 9 (3), 377-413, 2009 | 390 | 2009 |
Happycracia E Cabanas, E Illouz Cómo la ciencia y la industria de la felicidad controlan nuestras vidas …, 2019 | 385 | 2019 |
Der Konsum der Romantik E Illouz Liebe und die kulturellen Widersprüche des Kapitalismus. Frankfurt/Main: Campus, 2003 | 364 | 2003 |
Manufacturing happy citizens: How the science and industry of happiness control our lives E Cabanas, E Illouz John Wiley & Sons, 2019 | 317 | 2019 |
The end of love: A sociology of negative relations E Illouz Oxford University Press, 2019 | 303 | 2019 |
Happycratie-Comment l'industrie du bonheur a pris le contrôle de nos vies E Illouz, E Cabanas, F Joly Premier parallèle, 2018 | 266 | 2018 |