Susana Caxaj
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Indigenous storytelling and participatory action research: Allies toward decolonization? Reflections from the peoples’ international health tribunal
CS Caxaj
Global qualitative nursing research 2, 2333393615580764, 2015
Migrant farmworkers face heightened vulnerabilities during COVID-19
E Haley, S Caxaj, G George, J Hennebry, E Martell, J McLaughlin
Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development 9 (3), 35-39, 2020
Belonging among newcomer youths: Intersecting experiences of inclusion and exclusion
CS Caxaj, H Berman
Advances in Nursing Science 33 (4), E17-E30, 2010
Cultural safety strategies for rural Indigenous palliative care: a scoping review
K Schill, S Caxaj
BMC palliative care 18, 1-13, 2019
“I will not leave my body here”: Migrant farmworkers’ health and safety amidst a climate of coercion
CS Caxaj, A Cohen
International journal of environmental research and public health 16 (15), 2643, 2019
A review of mental health approaches for rural communities: Complexities and opportunities in the Canadian context
CS Caxaj
Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health 34, 29-45, 2016
The integration of evidence from the Commission on Social Determinants of Health in the field of health equity: a scoping review
KM Plamondon, JL Bottorff, CS Caxaj, ID Graham
Critical Public Health 30 (4), 415-428, 2020
Bodies and borders: Migrant women farmworkers and the struggle for sexual and reproductive justice in British Columbia, Canada
A Cohen, S Caxaj
Alternate Routes: A Journal of Critical Social Research 29, 2018
Gold mining on Mayan-Mam territory: Social unravelling, discord and distress in the Western highlands of Guatemala
CS Caxaj, H Berman, C Varcoe, SL Ray, JP Restoulec
Social Science & Medicine 111, 50-57, 2014
Belonging and mental wellbeing among a rural Indian-Canadian diaspora: Navigating tensions in “finding a space of our own”
CS Caxaj, NK Gill
Qualitative Health Research 27 (8), 1119-1132, 2017
Migrant workers’(non) belonging in rural British Columbia, Canada: storied experiences of Marginal Living
S Caxaj, L Diaz
International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care 14 (2), 208-220, 2018
Promises of peace and development: Mining and violence in Guatemala
CS Caxaj, H Berman, JP Restoule, C Varcoe, SL Ray
Advances in Nursing Science 36 (3), 213-228, 2013
Priorities and challenges for a palliative approach to care for rural indigenous populations: a scoping review
CS Caxaj, K Schill, R Janke
Health & Social Care in the Community 26 (3), e329-e336, 2018
Migrant agricultural workers’ health, safety and access to protections: A descriptive survey identifying structural gaps and vulnerabilities in the interior of British Columbia …
C Colindres, A Cohen, CS Caxaj
International journal of environmental research and public health 18 (7), 3696, 2021
Connecting knowledge with action for health equity: a critical interpretive synthesis of promising practices
KM Plamondon, CS Caxaj, ID Graham, JL Bottorff
International journal for equity in health 18, 1-10, 2019
Emerging best practices for supporting temporary migrant farmworkers in Western Canada
CS Caxaj, A Cohen
Health & Social Care in the Community 29 (1), 250-258, 2021
Relentless border walls: Challenges of providing services and supports to migrant agricultural workers in British Columbia
CS Caxaj, A Cohen
Canadian Ethnic Studies 53 (2), 41-67, 2021
Toward relational practices for enabling knowledge-to-action in health systems: the example of deliberative dialogue
K Plamondon, S Caxaj
Advances in Nursing Science 41 (1), 18-29, 2018
How racialized students navigate campus life in a mid-sized Canadian city:‘thrown against a white background’but ‘comfortable enough to laugh’
CS Caxaj, S Chau, I Parkins
Race Ethnicity and Education 24 (4), 503-522, 2021
Coronavirus: Canada stigmatizes, jeopardizes essential migrant workers
JL Hennebry, CS Caxaj, J McLaughlin, S Mayell
The Conversation 3, 2020
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