Carlos F. Lange
Carlos F. Lange
Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering
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H2O at the Phoenix landing site
PH Smith, LK Tamppari, RE Arvidson, D Bass, D Blaney, WV Boynton, ...
Science 325 (5936), 58-61, 2009
Improved numerical simulation of aerosol deposition in an idealized mouth-throat
EA Matida, WH Finlay, CF Lange, B Grgic
Journal of Aerosol Science 35 (1), 1-19, 2004
Momentum and heat transfer from cylinders in laminar crossflow at 10− 4⩽ Re⩽ 200
CF Lange, F Durst, M Breuer
International journal of heat and mass transfer 41 (22), 3409-3430, 1998
Cough aerosol in healthy participants: fundamental knowledge to optimize droplet-spread infectious respiratory disease management
G Zayas, MC Chiang, E Wong, F MacDonald, CF Lange, A Senthilselvan, ...
BMC Pulmonary Medicine 12 (1), 11, 2012
Spray-freeze-dried liposomal ciprofloxacin powder for inhaled aerosol drug delivery
LG Sweeney, Z Wang, R Loebenberg, JP Wong, CF Lange, WH Finlay
International journal of pharmaceutics 305 (1-2), 180-185, 2005
Introduction to special section on the phoenix mission: landing site characterization experiments, mission overviews, and expected science
PH Smith, L Tamppari, RE Arvidson, D Bass, D Blaney, W Boynton, ...
J. Geophys. Res 113, E00A18, 2008
In Vivo–In Vitro Correlations: Predicting Pulmonary Drug Deposition from Pharmaceutical Aerosols
PR Byron, M Hindle, CF Lange, PW Longest, D McRobbie, MJ Oldham, ...
Journal of aerosol medicine and pulmonary drug delivery 23 (S2), 59-69, 2010
Winds at the Phoenix landing site
C Holstein‐Rathlou, HP Gunnlaugsson, JP Merrison, KM Bean, ...
J. Geophys. Res 115, E00E18, 2010
Lung delivery of aerosolized dextran
WH Finlay, CF Lange, M King, DP Speert
American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 161 (1), 91-97, 2000
Initial analysis of air temperature and related data from the Phoenix MET station and their use in estimating turbulent heat fluxes
R Davy, JA Davis, PA Taylor, CF Lange, W Weng, J Whiteway, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 115 (E3), 2010
In vitro aerosol delivery and regional airway surface liquid concentration of a liposomal cationic peptide
CF Lange, REW Hancock, J Samuel, WH Finlay
Journal of pharmaceutical sciences 90 (10), 1647-1657, 2001
Effectiveness of cough etiquette maneuvers in disrupting the chain of transmission of infectious respiratory diseases
G Zayas, MC Chiang, E Wong, F MacDonald, CF Lange, A Senthilselvan, ...
BMC Public Health 13 (1), 811, 2013
Temperature, pressure, and wind instrumentation in the Phoenix meteorological package
PA Taylor, DC Catling, M Daly, CS Dickinson, HP Gunnlaugsson, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 113 (E3), 2008
Overcoming the adverse effect of humidity in aerosol delivery via pressurized metered-dose inhalers during mechanical ventilation
American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 161 (5), 1614-1618, 2000
Improving prediction of aerosol deposition in an idealized mouth using large-eddy simulation
EA Matida, WH Finlay, M Breuer, CF Lange
Journal of aerosol medicine 19 (3), 290-300, 2006
Simulation of particle deposition in an idealized mouth with different small diameter inlets
EA Matida, WH DeHaan, WH Finlay, CF Lange
Aerosol Science & Technology 37 (11), 924-932, 2003
The effect of breathing pattern on nebulizer drug delivery
AP Roth, CF Lange, WH Finlay
Journal of aerosol medicine 16 (3), 325-339, 2003
Effect of artificial mucus properties on the characteristics of airborne bioaerosol droplets generated during simulated coughing
MDA Hasan, CF Lange, ML King
Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 165 (21-22), 1431-1441, 2010
Wall effects on heat losses from hot-wires
CF Lange, F Durst, M Breuer
International journal of heat and fluid flow 20 (1), 34-47, 1999
Telltale wind indicator for the Mars Phoenix lander
HP Gunnlaugsson, C Holstein‐Rathlou, JP Merrison, SK Jensen, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 113 (E3), 2008
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20