Juan Manuel Marín Sánchez
Juan Manuel Marín Sánchez
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On the Frobenius number of Fibonacci numerical semigroups
JM Marin, JR Alfonsin, MP Revuelta
arXiv preprint math/0606717, 2006
Weak Schur numbers and the search for GW Walker’s lost partitions
S Eliahou, JM Marín, MP Revuelta, MI Sanz
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 63 (1), 175-182, 2012
Zero-sum balanced binary sequences
S Eliahou, JM Marın, MP Revuelta
Combinatorial Number Theory, 165, 2007
3-color Schur numbers
L Boza, JM Marín, MP Revuelta, MI Sanz
Discrete Applied Mathematics 263, 59-68, 2019
On the n-color Rado number for the equation x1 + x2 + … + xk + c = xk+1
SD Adhikari, L Boza, S Eliahou, JM Marín, MP Revuelta, MI Sanz
Mathematics of Computation 85 (300), 2047-2064, 2016
On the finiteness of some n-color Rado numbers
SD Adhikari, L Boza, S Eliahou, JM Marín, MP Revuelta, MI Sanz
Discrete Mathematics 340 (2), 39-45, 2017
Aprendizaje autónomo en matemáticas aplicadas a la edificación: Simbiosis entre webct y software matemático
R Arriola, E Barrena, MJ Chávez, O Delgado, RM Falcón, A Fernández, ...
Números 74, 45-56, 2010
Disseminated Scedosporium inflatum infection in a patient with acute myeloblastic leukaemia
J Marın, MA Sanz, GF Sanz, J Guarro, ML Martınez, M Prieto, E Gueho, ...
Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis 10, 759-761, 1991
On the n-Color Weak Rado Numbers for the Equation
L Boza, JM Marín, MP Revuelta, MI Sanz
Experimental Mathematics 28 (2), 194-208, 2019
On the n-Color Weak Rado Numbers for the Equation [Inline formula]
L Boza, JM Marín, MP Revuelta, MI Sanz
Experimental Mathematics 28 (2), 194-208, 2019
3-color Schur numbers
L Boza Prieto, JM Marín Sánchez, MP Revuelta Marchena, ...
Elsevier, 2019
On the n-Color Weak Rado Numbers for the Equation x1+ x2+···+ xk+ c= xk+ 1
L Boza Prieto, JM Marín Sánchez, MP Revuelta Marchena, ...
Taylor and Francis, 2019
Exact value of 3 color weak Rado number
MP Revuelta, L Boza, JM Marín, MI Sanz
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 54, 241-245, 2016
On the 𝑛-color Rado number for the equation 𝑥₁+ 𝑥₂+…+ 𝑥_ {𝑘}+ 𝑐= 𝑥_ {𝑘+ 1}
S Adhikari, L Boza, S Eliahou, J Marín, M Revuelta, M Sanz
Mathematics of Computation 85 (300), 2047-2064, 2016
Exact value of 3 color weak Rado number
MP Revuelta Marchena, L Boza Prieto, JM Marín Sánchez, ...
Elsevier, 2016
On the n-Color Weak Rado Numbers for the Equation x1+ x2+···+ xk+ c= xk+ 1
SD Adhikari, L Boza Prieto, S Eliahou, JM Marín Sánchez, ...
American Mathematical Society, 2016
Cotas Inferiores de los Numeros de Schur Estrictos
JM Marın, MP Revuelta, MI Sanz
EN EL ALGARVE, 89, 2009
Simbiosis entre webct y software matemático relativo a matemáticas aplicadas a la edificación
R Arriola Hernández, E Barrena Algara, MJ Chávez de Diego, ...
Matricial construction of k-colourings on square lattice
JM Marín, A Marquez, MP Revuelta
Ars Combinatoria 77, 217-232, 2005
Avances sobre los números de Schur estrictos y los números de Rado estrictos
JM Marın, MP Revuelta, MI Sanz
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