Determination of the bond length and binding energy of the helium dimer by diffraction from a transmission grating RE Grisenti, W Schöllkopf, JP Toennies, GC Hegerfeldt, T Köhler, M Stoll
Physical Review Letters 85 (11), 2284, 2000
442 2000 Remark on causality and particle localization GC Hegerfeldt
Physical Review D 10 (10), 3320, 1974
391 1974 Causality problems for Fermi’s two-atom system GC Hegerfeldt
Physical Review Letters 72 (5), 596, 1994
308 1994 Determination of atom-surface van der Waals potentials from transmission-grating diffraction intensities RE Grisenti, W Schöllkopf, JP Toennies, GC Hegerfeldt, T Köhler
Physical review letters 83 (9), 1755, 1999
266 1999 Driving at the quantum speed limit: optimal control of a two-level system GC Hegerfeldt
Physical review letters 111 (26), 260501, 2013
264 2013 How to reset an atom after a photon detection: Applications to photon-counting processes GC Hegerfeldt
Physical Review A 47 (1), 449, 1993
208 1993 Remarks on causality, localization, and spreading of wave packets GC Hegerfeldt, SNM Ruijsenaars
Physical Review D 22 (2), 377, 1980
197 1980 Violation of causality in relativistic quantum theory? GC Hegerfeldt
Physical review letters 54 (22), 2395, 1985
171 1985 Instantaneous spreading and Einstein causality in quantum theory GC Hegerfeldt
Annalen der Physik 510 (7-8), 716-725, 1998
143 1998 Projection postulate and atomic quantum Zeno effect A Beige, GC Hegerfeldt
Physical Review A 53 (1), 53, 1996
140 1996 Measurement-based approach to quantum arrival times JA Damborenea, IL Egusquiza, GC Hegerfeldt, JG Muga
Physical Review A 66 (5), 052104, 2002
130 2002 The van der Waals potential between metastable atoms and solid surfaces: Novel diffraction experiments vs. theory R Brühl, P Fouquet, RE Grisenti, JP Toennies, GC Hegerfeldt, T Köhler, ...
Europhysics Letters 59 (3), 357, 2002
120 2002 Matter Wave Diffraction from an Inclined Transmission Grating: <?format ?>Searching for the Elusive Trimer Efimov State R Brühl, A Kalinin, O Kornilov, JP Toennies, GC Hegerfeldt, M Stoll
Physical review letters 95 (6), 063002, 2005
108 2005 Macroscopic dark periods without a metastable state GC Hegerfeldt, MB Plenio
Physical Review A 46 (1), 373, 1992
104 1992 The structure of space-time transformations HJ Borchers, GC Hegerfeldt
Communications in Mathematical Physics 28, 259-266, 1972
91 1972 Coherence with incoherent light: A new type of quantum beat for a single atom GC Hegerfeldt, MB Plenio
Physical Review A 47 (3), 2186, 1993
83 1993 Causality, particle localization and positivity of the energy GC Hegerfeldt
Irreversibility and Causality Semigroups and Rigged Hilbert Spaces: A …, 1998
75 1998 High-speed driving of a two-level system GC Hegerfeldt
Physical Review A 90 (3), 032110, 2014
69 2014 Quantum arrival times and operator normalization GC Hegerfeldt, D Seidel, JG Muga
Physical Review A 68 (2), 022111, 2003
68 2003 Conditional Hamiltonian and reset operator in the quantum jump approach GC Hegerfeldt, DG Sondermann
Quantum and Semiclassical Optics: Journal of the European Optical Society …, 1996
67 1996