Rolf Prof. Dr. Bracke
Rolf Prof. Dr. Bracke
Fraunhofer IEG
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Application of high powered Laser Technology to alter hard rock properties towards lower strength materials for more efficient drilling, mining, and Geothermal Energy production
S Jamali, V Wittig, J Börner, R Bracke, A Ostendorf
Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment 20, 100112, 2019
Geothermal Drilling Best Practices: The Geothermal translation of conventional drilling recommendations-main potential challenges
D Vollmar, V Wittig, R Bracke
International Geothermal Association: Home, 2013
Hydraulic DTH fluid/mud hammers with recirculation capabilities to improve ROP and hole cleaning for deep, hard rock geothermal drilling
V Wittig, R Bracke, Y Hyun-Ick
Proceedings world geothermal congress 6, 2015
Extractable organic compounds in the clay mineral sealing of a waste disposal site
W Püttmann, R Bracke
Organic geochemistry 23 (1), 43-54, 1995
Heat-Storage in Deep Hard Coal Mining Infrastructures
R Bracke, G Bussmann
International Geothermal Association Home, 2015
Heat-Storage in Deep Hard Coal Mining Infrastructures
R Bracke, G Bussmann
Proceedings World Geothermal Congress 2015 Melbourne, Australia, 19-25 April …, 2015
Thermo-mechanical behavior of a granodiorite from the Liquiñe fractured geothermal system (39° S) in the Southern Volcanic Zone of the Andes
J Sepúlveda, G Arancibia, E Molina, JP Gilbert, M Duda, J Browning, ...
Geothermics 87, 101828, 2020
Transportation in LCA: a comparative evaluation of the importance of transport in four LCAs
AMM Jørgensen, PE Ywema, N Frees, S Exner, R Bracke
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 1, 218-220, 1996
Analyse des deutschen Wärmepumpenmarktes–Bestandsaufnahme und Trends
M Platt, S Exner, R Bracke
Bochum: GeothermieZentrum Bochum, 2010
Analyse des deutschen Wärmepumpenmarktes: Bestandsaufnahme und Trends
H Born, S Schimpf-Willenbrink, H Lange, G Bussmann, R Bracke
Bochum, Germany, 2017
Roadmap Tiefe Geothermie für Deutschland I Handlungsempfehlungen für Politik, Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft für eine erfolgreiche Wärmewende
R Bracke, E Huenges, D Acksel, F Amann, J Bremer, D Bruhn, M Budt, ...
The reuse of the former Markgraf II colliery as a mine thermal energy storage
F Hahn, F Jagert, G Bussmann, I Nardini, R Bracke, T Seidel, T König
European Geothermal Congress 2019, 2019
Nozzle cavitation and rock erosion experiments reveal insight into the jet drilling process
S Jasper, DP Gradzki, R Bracke, J Hussong, M Petermann, R Lindken
Chemie Ingenieur Technik 93 (10), 1610-1618, 2021
A wellbore cement sheath damage prediction model with the integration of acoustic wellbore measurements
M Kruszewski, G Montegrossi, MR Montes, V Wittig, AG Garcia, ...
Geothermics 80, 195-207, 2019
Mechanically assisted thermal type laserjet process for deep hard rock drilling
S Jamali, V Wittig, R Bracke
OIL GAS-EUROPEAN MAGAZINE 43 (4), 192-196, 2017
Palaeopermeability anisotropy and geometrical properties of sealed-microfractures from micro-CT analyses: An open-source implementation
R Gomila, G Arancibia, D Mery, M Nehler, R Bracke, D Morata
Micron 117, 29-39, 2019
Reutilization of mine water as a heat storage medium in abandoned mines
F Hahn, G Bussmann, F Jagert, R Ignacy, R Bracke, T Seidel
11th ICARD IMWA Conf, 1057-1062, 2018
Geothermal reservoir characterisation of Devonian carbonates in North Rhine-Westphalia (W. Germany): Mineralogy-and depofacies-related extrapolation of petrophysical parameters
K Lippert, B Ahrens, M Nehler, M Balcewicz, M Mueller, R Bracke, ...
Geothermics 106, 102549, 2022
Roadmap Oberflächennahe Geothermie
H Born, R Bracke, T Eicker, M Rath
Unter Mitarbeit von Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, 2022
Quantitative anisotropies of palaeopermeability in a strike-slip fault damage zone: Insights from micro-CT analysis and numerical simulations
R Gomila, G Arancibia, M Nehler, R Bracke, D Morata, J Cembrano
Tectonophysics 810, 228873, 2021
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