Articoli con mandati relativi all'accesso pubblico - Ido NevatUlteriori informazioni
Non disponibili pubblicamente: 8
A decision support tool for climate-informed and socioeconomic urban design
I Nevat, G Pignatta, LA Ruefenacht, JA Acero
Environment, Development and Sustainability 23, 7627-7651, 2021
Mandati: A*Star, Singapore, National Research Foundation, Singapore
Recommendation system for climate informed urban design under model uncertainty
I Nevat, LA Ruefenacht, H Aydt
Urban Climate 31, 100524, 2020
Mandati: National Research Foundation, Singapore
Query-based sensors selection for collaborative wireless sensor networks with stochastic energy harvesting
YB Chen, I Nevat, P Zhang, SG Nagarajan, HY Wei
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 6 (2), 3031-3043, 2018
Mandati: A*Star, Singapore, National Research Foundation, Singapore
Channel prediction with location uncertainty for ad hoc networks
M Fröhle, T Charalambous, I Nevat, H Wymeersch
IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks 4 (2 …, 2017
Mandati: European Commission
The Urban Heat Footprint (UHF)—A new unified climatic and statistical framework for urban warming
I Nevat, MO Mughal, XX Li, CH Philipp, H Aydt
Theoretical and Applied Climatology 140 (1), 359-374, 2020
Mandati: A*Star, Singapore, National Research Foundation, Singapore
Climate-informed urban design via probabilistic acceptability criterion and Sharpe ratio selection
I Nevat
Environment, Development and Sustainability 24 (1), 617-645, 2022
Mandati: National Research Foundation, Singapore
Probabilistic routing in wireless networks with privacy guarantees
JY Koh, GW Peters, I Nevat, D Leong
Computer Communications 151, 228-237, 2020
Mandati: A*Star, Singapore, National Research Foundation, Singapore
“To Bin or not to Bin?” A formal analysis of partition based regression for Outdoor Thermal Comfort
I Nevat
Building and Environment 206, 108318, 2021
Mandati: National Research Foundation, Singapore
Disponibili pubblicamente: 33
Anomaly detection and attribution in networks with temporally correlated traffic
I Nevat, DM Divakaran, SG Nagarajan, P Zhang, L Su, LL Ko, VLL Thing
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 26 (1), 131-144, 2017
Mandati: National Research Foundation, Singapore
Optimal information-theoretic wireless location verification
S Yan, R Malaney, I Nevat, GW Peters
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 63 (7), 3410-3422, 2014
Mandati: Australian Research Council
Quantifying the uncertain effects of climate change on building energy consumption across the United States
JA Fonseca, I Nevat, GW Peters
Applied Energy 277, 115556, 2020
Mandati: National Research Foundation, Singapore
A feature-ranking framework for IoT device classification
BA Desai, DM Divakaran, I Nevat, GW Peter, M Gurusamy
2019 11th International conference on communication systems & networks …, 2019
Mandati: National Research Foundation, Singapore
Geo-spatial location spoofing detection for Internet of Things
JY Koh, I Nevat, D Leong, WC Wong
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 3 (6), 971-978, 2016
Mandati: A*Star, Singapore
Climate-informed decision-making for urban design: Assessing the impact of urban morphology on urban heat island
LGR Santos, I Nevat, G Pignatta, LK Norford
Urban Climate 36, 100776, 2021
Mandati: National Research Foundation, Singapore
Location verification systems for VANETs in Rician fading channels
S Yan, R Malaney, I Nevat, GW Peters
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 65 (7), 5652-5664, 2015
Mandati: Australian Research Council
Spatial field reconstruction and sensor selection in heterogeneous sensor networks with stochastic energy harvesting
P Zhang, I Nevat, GW Peters, F Septier, MA Osborne
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 66 (9), 2245-2257, 2018
Mandati: National Research Foundation, Singapore
Optimal privacy-preserving probabilistic routing for wireless networks
JY Koh, D Leong, GW Peters, I Nevat, WC Wong
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 12 (9), 2105-2114, 2017
Mandati: A*Star, Singapore
Evidence gathering for network security and forensics
DM Divakaran, KW Fok, I Nevat, VLL Thing
Digital Investigation 20, S56-S65, 2017
Mandati: National Research Foundation, Singapore
Location verification systems under spatially correlated shadowing
S Yan, I Nevat, GW Peters, R Malaney
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 15 (6), 4132-4144, 2016
Mandati: Australian Research Council
Distributed event detection under byzantine attack in wireless sensor networks
P Zhang, JY Koh, S Lin, I Nevat
2014 IEEE Ninth International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor …, 2014
Mandati: A*Star, Singapore
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