Norbert Koch
Norbert Koch
Institut für Physik & IRIS Adlershof, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin
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Electronic structure and electrical properties of interfaces between metals and π‐conjugated molecular films
A Kahn, N Koch, W Gao
Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics 41 (21), 2529-2548, 2003
Organic electronic devices and their functional interfaces
N Koch
ChemPhysChem 8 (10), 1438-1455, 2007
The impact of energy alignment and interfacial recombination on the internal and external open-circuit voltage of perovskite solar cells
M Stolterfoht, P Caprioglio, CM Wolff, JA Márquez, J Nordmann, S Zhang, ...
Energy & Environmental Science 12 (9), 2778-2788, 2019
Molecular Electrical Doping of Organic Semiconductors: Fundamental Mechanisms and Emerging Dopant Design Rules
I Salzmann, G Heimel, M Oehzelt, S Winkler, N Koch
Accounts of chemical research 49 (3), 370-378, 2016
Orientation-dependent ionization energies and interface dipoles in ordered molecular assemblies
S Duhm, G Heimel, I Salzmann, H Glowatzki, RL Johnson, A Vollmer, ...
Nature materials 7 (4), 326-332, 2008
Conjugated organic molecules on metal versus polymer electrodes: Demonstration of a key energy level alignment mechanism
N Koch, A Kahn, J Ghijsen, JJ Pireaux, J Schwartz, RL Johnson, ...
Applied Physics Letters 82 (1), 70-72, 2003
Large guanidinium cation mixed with methylammonium in lead iodide perovskites for 19% efficient solar cells
AD Jodlowski, C Roldán-Carmona, G Grancini, M Salado, M Ralaiarisoa, ...
Nature Energy 2 (12), 972-979, 2017
Surface Termination Dependent Work Function and Electronic Properties of Ti3C2Tx MXene
T Schultz, NC Frey, K Hantanasirisakul, S Park, SJ May, VB Shenoy, ...
Chemistry of Materials 31 (17), 6590-6597, 2019
Fluorinated copolymer PCPDTBT with enhanced open-circuit voltage and reduced recombination for highly efficient polymer solar cells
S Albrecht, S Janietz, W Schindler, J Frisch, J Kurpiers, J Kniepert, S Inal, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 134 (36), 14932-14944, 2012
Bonding self-assembled, compact organophosphonate monolayers to the native oxide surface of silicon
EL Hanson, J Schwartz, B Nickel, N Koch, MF Danisman
Journal of the American Chemical Society 125 (51), 16074-16080, 2003
Organic semiconductor density of states controls the energy level alignment at electrode interfaces
M Oehzelt, N Koch, G Heimel
Nature communications 5, 4174, 2014
Charge-transfer crystallites as molecular electrical dopants
H Méndez, G Heimel, S Winkler, J Frisch, A Opitz, K Sauer, B Wegner, ...
Nature communications 6, 8560, 2015
Self-assembly and bonding of alkanephosphonic acids on the native oxide surface of titanium
ES Gawalt, MJ Avaltroni, N Koch, J Schwartz
Langmuir 17 (19), 5736-5738, 2001
Influence of Aggregation on the Performance of All‐Polymer Solar Cells Containing Low‐Bandgap Naphthalenediimide Copolymers
M Schubert, D Dolfen, J Frisch, S Roland, R Steyrleuthner, B Stiller, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 2 (3), 369-380, 2012
Optimized hole injection with strong electron acceptors at organic-metal interfaces
N Koch, S Duhm, JP Rabe, A Vollmer, RL Johnson
Physical review letters 95 (23), 237601, 2005
Moderate doping leads to high performance of semiconductor/insulator polymer blend transistors
G Lu, J Blakesley, S Himmelberger, P Pingel, J Frisch, I Lieberwirth, ...
Nature communications 4, 1588, 2013
PTCDA on Au (111), Ag (111) and Cu (111): correlation of interface charge transfer to bonding distance
S Duhm, A Gerlach, I Salzmann, B Bröker, RL Johnson, F Schreiber, ...
Organic Electronics 9 (1), 111-118, 2008
Doping Approaches for Organic Semiconductors
AD Scaccabarozzi, A Basu, F Aniés, J Liu, O Zapata-Arteaga, R Warren, ...
Chemical Reviews 122 (4), 4420-4492, 2021
Doping of organic semiconductors: impact of dopant strength and electronic coupling
H Méndez, G Heimel, A Opitz, K Sauer, P Barkowski, M Oehzelt, J Soeda, ...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 52 (30), 7751-7755, 2013
Optically switchable transistor via energy-level phototuning in a bicomponent organic semiconductor
E Orgiu, N Crivillers, M Herder, L Grubert, M Pätzel, J Frisch, E Pavlica, ...
Nature chemistry 4 (8), 675-679, 2012
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