Signe Bray
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A quantitative comparison of NIRS and fMRI across multiple cognitive tasks
X Cui, S Bray, DM Bryant, GH Glover, AL Reiss
Neuroimage 54 (4), 2808-2821, 2011
Functional near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) signal improvement based on negative correlation between oxygenated and deoxygenated hemoglobin dynamics
X Cui, S Bray, AL Reiss
Neuroimage 49 (4), 3039-3046, 2010
Neural coding of reward-prediction error signals during classical conditioning with attractive faces
S Bray, J O'Doherty
Journal of neurophysiology 97 (4), 3036-3045, 2007
The neural mechanisms underlying the influence of pavlovian cues on human decision making
S Bray, A Rangel, S Shimojo, B Balleine, JP O'Doherty
Journal of neuroscience 28 (22), 5861-5866, 2008
Direct instrumental conditioning of neural activity using functional magnetic resonance imaging-derived reward feedback
S Bray, S Shimojo, JP O'Doherty
Journal of Neuroscience 27 (28), 7498-7507, 2007
Morphological alterations in the thalamus, striatum, and pallidum in autism spectrum disorder
M Schuetze, MTM Park, IYK Cho, FP MacMaster, MM Chakravarty, ...
Neuropsychopharmacology 41 (11), 2627-2637, 2016
Reduced intrinsic connectivity of amygdala in adults with major depressive disorder
R Ramasubbu, N Konduru, F Cortese, S Bray, I Gaxiola-Valdez, ...
Frontiers in psychiatry 5, 17, 2014
Speeded near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) response detection
X Cui, S Bray, AL Reiss
PLoS one 5 (11), e15474, 2010
Human medial orbitofrontal cortex is recruited during experience of imagined and real rewards
S Bray, S Shimojo, JP O'Doherty
Journal of neurophysiology 103 (5), 2506-2512, 2010
Reduced white matter fiber density in autism spectrum disorder
D Dimond, M Schuetze, RE Smith, T Dhollander, I Cho, S Vinette, ...
Cerebral Cortex 29 (4), 1778-1788, 2019
Functional connectivity of the dorsal attention network predicts selective attention in 4–7 year-old girls
CS Rohr, SA Vinette, KAL Parsons, IYK Cho, D Dimond, A Benischek, ...
Cerebral Cortex 27 (9), 4350-4360, 2017
White matter structural connectivity is not correlated to cortical resting-state functional connectivity over the healthy adult lifespan
A Tsang, CA Lebel, SL Bray, BG Goodyear, M Hafeez, RC Sotero, ...
Frontiers in aging neuroscience 9, 144, 2017
Applications of multivariate pattern classification analyses in developmental neuroimaging of healthy and clinical populations
SL Bray, C Chang, F Hoeft
Frontiers in human neuroscience 3, 898, 2009
Functional network integration and attention skills in young children
CS Rohr, A Arora, IYK Cho, P Katlariwala, D Dimond, D Dewey, S Bray
Developmental cognitive neuroscience 30, 200-211, 2018
Early childhood development of white matter fiber density and morphology
D Dimond, CS Rohr, RE Smith, T Dhollander, I Cho, C Lebel, D Dewey, ...
Neuroimage 210, 116552, 2020
Aberrant frontal lobe maturation in adolescents with fragile X syndrome is related to delayed cognitive maturation
S Bray, M Hirt, B Jo, SS Hall, AA Lightbody, E Walter, K Chen, S Patnaik, ...
Biological psychiatry 70 (9), 852-858, 2011
Reduced functional connectivity during working memory in Turner syndrome
S Bray, B Dunkin, DS Hong, AL Reiss
Cerebral Cortex 21 (11), 2471-2481, 2011
Clinical staging for youth at‐risk for serious mental illness
J Addington, L Liu, BI Goldstein, J Wang, SH Kennedy, S Bray, C Lebel, ...
Early Intervention in Psychiatry 13 (6), 1416-1423, 2019
Reinforcement learning in autism spectrum disorder
M Schuetze, CS Rohr, D Dewey, A McCrimmon, S Bray
Frontiers in psychology 8, 2035, 2017
Intraparietal sulcus activity and functional connectivity supporting spatial working memory manipulation
S Bray, R Almas, AEGF Arnold, G Iaria, G MacQueen
Cerebral cortex 25 (5), 1252-1264, 2015
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20