Golnoush Abaei
Golnoush Abaei
Lecturer (Assistant Professor), Industry practice at RMIT School of Computing Technologies
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An empirical study based on semi-supervised hybrid self-organizing map for software fault prediction
G Abaei, A Selamat, H Fujita
Knowledge-Based Systems 74, 28-39, 2015
A survey on software fault detection based on different prediction approaches
G Abaei, A Selamat
Vietnam Journal of Computer Science, Springer, 2014
Hybridizing genetic algorithm and grey wolf optimizer to advance an intelligent and lightweight intrusion detection system for IoT wireless networks
A Davahli, M Shamsi, G Abaei
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 2020
A wavelet-extreme learning machine for low-cost INS/GPS navigation system in high-speed applications
ES Abdolkarimi, G Abaei, MR Mosavi
Gps Solutions 22, 1-13, 2018
RLBEEP: Reinforcement-Learning-Based Energy Efficient Control and Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks
AFE Abadi, SA Asghari, MB Marvasti, G Abaei, M Nabavi, Y Savaria
IEEE Access, 2022
Fault Prediction by Utilizing Self-Organizing Map and Threshold
G Abaei, Z Rezaei, A Selamat
2013 IEEE International Conference on Control Systems, Computing and …, 2013
A Fuzzy Logic Expert System to Predict Module Fault Proneness using Unlabeled Data
G Abaei, A Selamat, J Al Dallal
Journal of King Saud University - Computer and In- formation Sciences, 2018
Extracting test cases by using data mining; reducing the cost of testing
A Ilkhani, G Abaee
Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications (CISIM …, 2010
A lightweight Anomaly detection model using SVM for WSNs in IoT through a hybrid feature selection algorithm based on GA and GWO
A Davahli, M Shamsi, G Abaei
Journal of Computing and Security 7 (1), 63-79, 2020
A hybrid Type-2 Fuzzy Logic System and Extreme Learning Machine for low-cost INS/GPS in high-speed vehicular navigation system
ES Abdolkarimi, G Abaei, A Selamat, MR Mosavi
Applied Soft Computing 94, 106447, 2020
Study of flow field, heat transfer, and entropy generation of nanofluid turbulent natural convection in an enclosure utilizing the computational fluid dynamics‐artificial …
M Sepehrnia, G Sheikhzadeh, G Abaei, M Motamedian
Heat Transfer—Asian Research 48 (4), 2019
Increasing the accuracy of software fault prediction using majority ranking fuzzy clustering
G Abaei, A Selamat
Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel …, 2015
Numerical Simulation and Designing Artificial Neural Network for Water-Diamond Nanofluid Flow for Micro-Scale Cooling of Medical Equipment
M Sepehrnia, G Abaei, Z Khosromirza, F RooghaniYazdi
2018 25th National and 3rd International Iranian Conference on Biomedical …, 2019
Improving software fault prediction in imbalanced datasets using the under-sampling approach
G Abaei, WZ Tah, JZW Toh, ESJ Hor
ICSCA 2022: 2022 11th International Conference on Software and Computer …, 2022
A Robust Fingerprint Recognition System Based on Hybrid DCT and DWT
Z Rezaei, G Abaei
2017 24th National and 2nd International Iranian Conference on Biomedical …, 2018
Increasing the accuracy of software fault prediction using majority ranking fuzzy clustering
G Abaei, A Selamat
International Journal of Software Innovation (IJSI) 2 (4), 60-71, 2014
Empirical analyses of genetic algorithm and grey wolf optimiser to improve their efficiency with a new multi-objective weighted fitness function for feature selection in …
A Davahli, M Shamsi, G Abaei, K Arash
Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence 35, 2022
Software fault prediction based on improved fuzzy clustering
G Abaei, A Selamat
Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence, 11th International …, 2014
Implementing a successful collaborative active learning approach in information technology discipline
A Dharmaratne, T Fung Fung, G Abaei
Collaborative active learning: Practical activity-based approaches to …, 2022
Important issues in software fault prediction: A road map
G Abaei, A Selamat
Computer Systems and Software Engineering: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools …, 2018
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