David Silver

David Silver

DeepMind, UCL
Email verificata su google.com
Citato da 233278
michael d. mumford

michael d. mumford

glc professor of psychology
Email verificata su ou.edu
Citato da 59339
Daniel Weld

Daniel Weld

Allen Institute for AI & University of Washington
Email verificata su cs.washington.edu
Citato da 56382
Erik Swyngedouw

Erik Swyngedouw

Professor of Geography, The University of Manchester
Email verificata su manchester.ac.uk
Citato da 55933
Manuela M. Veloso

Manuela M. Veloso

Herbert A. Simon University Professor of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
Email verificata su cs.cmu.edu
Citato da 49008
Peng Wang

Peng Wang

Professor, FIEEE, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Email verificata su ntu.edu.sg
Citato da 44782
Thomas L Webb

Thomas L Webb

University of Sheffield
Email verificata su sheffield.ac.uk
Citato da 26421
Larry Dwyer

Larry Dwyer

Professor of Tourism
Email verificata su uts.edu.au
Citato da 20467
Davide Geneletti

Davide Geneletti

University of Trento
Email verificata su unitn.it
Citato da 20126
Ioannis Vlahavas

Ioannis Vlahavas

Professor of Computer Science, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Email verificata su csd.auth.gr
Citato da 19995
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