Saverio Salzo
Saverio Salzo
Assistant Professor, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
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Bilevel Programming for Hyperparameter Optimization and Meta-Learning
L Franceschi, P Frasconi, S Salzo, M Pontil
Proceedings of Machine Learning Research: International Conference on …, 2018
Accelerated and Inexact Forward-Backward Algorithms
S Villa, S Salzo, L Baldassarre, A Verri
SIAM Journal on Optimization 23 (3), 1607-1633, 2013
On the iteration complexity of hypergradient computation
R Grazzi, L Franceschi, M Pontil, S Salzo
International Conference on Machine Learning, 3748-3758, 2020
Inexact and accelerated proximal point algorithms
S Salzo, S Villa
Journal of Convex analysis 19 (4), 1167-1192, 2012
Sinkhorn barycenters with free support via Frank-Wolfe algorithm
G Luise, S Salzo, M Pontil, C Ciliberto
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 9322-9333, 2019
The variable metric forward-backward splitting algorithm under mild differentiability assumptions
S Salzo
SIAM Journal on Optimization 27 (4), 2153-2181, 2017
Lossless hyperspectral compression using KLT
L Galli, S Salzo
IGARSS 2004. 2004 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium 1, 2004
Convergence analysis of a proximal Gauss-Newton method
S Salzo, S Villa
Computational Optimization and Applications 53, 557-589, 2012
Bilevel learning of the group lasso structure
J Frecon, S Salzo, M Pontil
Advances in neural information processing systems 31, 2018
Convergence properties of stochastic hypergradients
R Grazzi, M Pontil, S Salzo
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 3826-3834, 2021
Latent variable time-varying network inference
F Tomasi, V Tozzo, S Salzo, A Verri
KDD '18 Proceedings of the 24th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on …, 2018
Parallel random block-coordinate forward–backward algorithm: a unified convergence analysis
S Salzo, S Villa
Mathematical Programming 193 (1), 225-269, 2022
Regularized learning schemes in feature Banach spaces
PL Combettes, S Salzo, S Villa
Analysis and Applications 16 (01), 1-54, 2018
Bilevel optimization with a lower-level contraction: Optimal sample complexity without warm-start
R Grazzi, M Pontil, S Salzo
Journal of Machine Learning Research 24 (167), 1-37, 2023
Consistent learning by composite proximal thresholding
PL Combettes, S Salzo, S Villa
Mathematical Programming 167, 99-127, 2018
Solving lp-norm regularization with tensor kernels
S Salzo, JAK Suykens, L Rosasco
Proceedings of the Twenty-First International Conference on Artificial …, 2018
High probability bounds for stochastic subgradient schemes with heavy tailed noise
DA Parletta, A Paudice, M Pontil, S Salzo
SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science 6 (4), 953-977, 2024
Bregman neural networks
J Frecon, G Gasso, M Pontil, S Salzo
International Conference on Machine Learning, 6779-6792, 2022
Generalized support vector regression: Duality and tensor-kernel representation
S Salzo, JAK Suykens
Analysis and Applications 18 (1), 149-183, 2020
Proximal gradient methods for machine learning and imaging
S Salzo, S Villa
Harmonic and applied analysis: from radon transforms to machine learning …, 2021
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