Andreas Löschel
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Assessing transformation pathways
L Clarke, K Jiang, K Akimoto, M Babiker, G Blanford, K Fisher-Vanden, ...
Cambridge University Press, 2014
Technological change in economic models of environmental policy: a survey
A Löschel
Ecological economics 43 (2-3), 105-126, 2002
Inequality, communication, and the avoidance of disastrous climate change in a public goods game
A Tavoni, A Dannenberg, G Kallis, A Löschel
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (29), 11825-11829, 2011
Indicators of energy security in industrialised countries
A Löschel, U Moslener, DTG Rübbelke
Energy policy 38 (4), 1665-1671, 2010
EU climate policy up to 2020: An economic impact assessment
C Böhringer, A Löschel, U Moslener, TF Rutherford
Energy economics 31, S295-S305, 2009
Computable general equilibrium models for sustainability impact assessment: Status quo and prospects
C Böhringer, A Löschel
Ecological economics 60 (1), 49-64, 2006
What if? The macroeconomic and distributional effects for Germany of a stop of energy imports from Russia
R Bachmann, D Baqaee, C Bayer, M Kuhn, A Löschel, B Moll, A Peichl, ...
Economica 91 (364), 1157-1200, 2024
An empirical analysis of the CO2 shadow price in Chinese thermal power enterprises
C Wei, A Löschel, B Liu
Energy Economics 40, 22-31, 2013
On the self-interested use of equity in international climate negotiations
A Lange, A Löschel, C Vogt, A Ziegler
European Economic Review 54 (3), 359-375, 2010
On the provision of public goods with probabilistic and ambiguous thresholds
A Dannenberg, A Löschel, G Paolacci, C Reif, A Tavoni
Environmental and Resource economics 61, 365-383, 2015
The European union energy transition: Key priorities for the next five years
S Tagliapietra, G Zachmann, O Edenhofer, JM Glachant, P Linares, ...
Energy Policy 132, 950-954, 2019
The future of coal in a carbon-constrained climate
M Jakob, JC Steckel, F Jotzo, BK Sovacool, L Cornelsen, R Chandra, ...
Nature Climate Change 10 (8), 704-707, 2020
Emissions trading in China: Emerging experiences and international lessons
F Jotzo, A Löschel
Energy Policy 75, 3-8, 2014
The impacts of the EU ETS on efficiency and economic performance–An empirical analyses for German manufacturing firms
A Löschel, BJ Lutz, S Managi
Resource and Energy Economics 56, 71-95, 2019
Designing an emissions trading scheme for China—An up-to-date climate policy assessment
M Hübler, S Voigt, A Löschel
Energy policy 75, 57-72, 2014
Energy systems
L Clarke, YM Wei, A de la Vega Navarro, A Garg, AN Hahmann, ...
Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change. Working Group III …, 2022
A multi-country meta-analysis on the role of behavioural change in reducing energy consumption and CO2 emissions in residential buildings
TM Khanna, G Baiocchi, M Callaghan, F Creutzig, H Guias, ...
Nature Energy 6 (9), 925-932, 2021
Assessing emission regulation in Europe: an interactive simulation approach
C Bohringer, T Hoffmann, A Lange, A Loschel, U Moslener
The Energy Journal 26 (4), 1-22, 2005
Assessing Transformation Pathways. In: Climate Change 2014: Mitigation of Climate Change. Contribution of Working Group III to the Fifth Assessment Report of the …
LE Clarke, K Jiang, K Akimoto, M Babiker, GJ Blanford, K Fisher-Vanden, ...
Pacific Northwest National Lab.(PNNL), Richland, WA (United States), 2015
Employment impacts of EU biofuels policy: combining bottom-up technology information and sectoral market simulations in an input–output framework
F Neuwahl, A Löschel, I Mongelli, L Delgado
Ecological Economics 68 (1-2), 447-460, 2008
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