Philip Eisenlohr
Philip Eisenlohr
Associate Professor, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Michigan State University
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Overview of constitutive laws, kinematics, homogenization and multiscale methods in crystal plasticity finite-element modeling: Theory, experiments, applications
F Roters, P Eisenlohr, L Hantcherli, DD Tjahjanto, TR Bieler, D Raabe
Acta materialia 58 (4), 1152-1211, 2010
DAMASK–The Düsseldorf Advanced Material Simulation Kit for modeling multi-physics crystal plasticity, thermal, and damage phenomena from the single crystal up to the component …
F Roters, M Diehl, P Shanthraj, P Eisenlohr, C Reuber, SL Wong, T Maiti, ...
Computational Materials Science 158, 420-478, 2019
An elasto-viscoplastic formulation based on fast Fourier transforms for the prediction of micromechanical fields in polycrystalline materials
RA Lebensohn, AK Kanjarla, P Eisenlohr
International Journal of Plasticity 32, 59-69, 2012
Revealing the strain-hardening behavior of twinning-induced plasticity steels: Theory, simulations, experiments
DR Steinmetz, T Jäpel, B Wietbrock, P Eisenlohr, I Gutierrez-Urrutia, ...
Acta Materialia 61 (2), 494-510, 2013
A spectral method solution to crystal elasto-viscoplasticity at finite strains
P Eisenlohr, M Diehl, RA Lebensohn, F Roters
International Journal of Plasticity 46, 37-53, 2013
The role of heterogeneous deformation on damage nucleation at grain boundaries in single phase metals
TR Bieler, P Eisenlohr, F Roters, D Kumar, DE Mason, MA Crimp, ...
International Journal of Plasticity 25 (9), 1655-1683, 2009
Crystal Plasticity Finite Element Methods: In Materials Science and Engineering
F Roters, P Eisenlohr, TR Bieler, D Raabe
Wiley-Vch, 2010
Grain boundaries and interfaces in slip transfer
TR Bieler, P Eisenlohr, C Zhang, HJ Phukan, MA Crimp
Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science 18 (4), 212-226, 2014
Twin Nucleation by Slip Transfer across Grain Boundaries in Commercial Purity Titanium
L Wang, Y Yang, P Eisenlohr, TR Bieler, MA Crimp, DE Mason
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 41 (2), 421-430, 2010
DAMASK: the Düsseldorf Advanced MAterial Simulation Kit for studying crystal plasticity using an FE based or a spectral numerical solver
F Roters, P Eisenlohr, C Kords, DD Tjahjanto, M Diehl, D Raabe
Procedia Iutam 3, 3-10, 2012
Numerically robust spectral methods for crystal plasticity simulations of heterogeneous materials
P Shanthraj, P Eisenlohr, M Diehl, F Roters
International Journal of Plasticity 66, 31-45, 2015
Understanding creep—a review
W Blum, P Eisenlohr, F Breutinger
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 33, 291-303, 2002
Nucleation of paired twins at grain boundaries in titanium
L Wang, P Eisenlohr, Y Yang, TR Bieler, MA Crimp
Scripta Materialia 63 (8), 827-830, 2010
Orientation dependence of shear banding in face-centered-cubic single crystals
N Jia, P Eisenlohr, F Roters, D Raabe, X Zhao
Acta Materialia 60 (8), 3415-3434, 2012
Experimental Characterization and Crystal Plasticity Modeling of Heterogeneous Deformation in Polycrystalline α-Ti
L Wang, RI Barabash, Y Yang, TR Bieler, MA Crimp, P Eisenlohr, W Liu, ...
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 42, 626-635, 2011
Dislocation density distribution around an indent in single-crystalline nickel: Comparing nonlocal crystal plasticity finite-element predictions with experiments
C Reuber, P Eisenlohr, F Roters, D Raabe
Acta Materialia 71, 333-348, 2014
Dislocation mechanics of creep
W Blum, P Eisenlohr
Materials Science and Engineering: A 510, 7-13, 2009
Comparison of finite element and fast Fourier transform crystal plasticity solvers for texture prediction
B Liu, D Raabe, F Roters, P Eisenlohr, RA Lebensohn
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 18 (8), 085005, 2010
Dislocation interactions and low-angle grain boundary strengthening
B Liu, D Raabe, P Eisenlohr, F Roters, A Arsenlis, G Hommes
Acta Materialia 59 (19), 7125-7134, 2011
Simulation of dislocation penetration through a general low-angle grain boundary
B Liu, P Eisenlohr, F Roters, D Raabe
Acta Materialia 60 (13-14), 5380-5390, 2012
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