Ruth Cobos
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Promoting metacognitive skills through peer scaffolding in a CSCL environment
M Pifarre, R Cobos
International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning 5, 237-253, 2010
An approach based on social network analysis applied to a collaborative learning experience
I Claros, R Cobos, CA Collazos
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies 9 (2), 190-195, 2015
KnowCat: A web application for knowledge organization
X Alamán, R Cobos
International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, 348-359, 1999
Collaborative knowledge construction in the web supported by the KnowCat system
R Cobos, M Pifarré
Computers & Education 50 (3), 962-978, 2008
MOOCs and their influence on higher education institutions: Perspectives from the insiders
M León-Urrutia, R Cobos, K Dickens
Journal of new approaches in educational research 7 (1), 40-45, 2018
Using collaborative learning scenarios to teach programming to non‐CS majors
L Echeverría, R Cobos, L Machuca, I Claros
Computer applications in engineering education 25 (5), 719-731, 2017
Extending deep meta-modelling for practical model-driven engineering
J De Lara, E Guerra, R Cobos, J Moreno-Llorena
The Computer Journal 57 (1), 36-58, 2014
Del vídeo educativo a objetos de aprendizaje multimedia interactivos: un entorno de aprendizaje colaborativo basado en redes sociales
IDC Gómez, RC Pérez
Tendencias pedagógicas, 59-72, 2013
Improving learner engagement in MOOCs using a learning intervention system: A research study in engineering education
R Cobos, JC Ruiz‐Garcia
Computer Applications in Engineering Education 29 (4), 733-749, 2021
Incidence of group awareness information on students' collaborative learning processes
M Pifarré, R Cobos, E Argelagós
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 30 (4), 300-317, 2014
A content analysis system that supports sentiment analysis for subjectivity and polarity detection in online courses
R Cobos, F Jurado, A Blázquez-Herranz
IEEE Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologías Del Aprendizaje 14 (4), 177-187, 2019
Towards a collaborative pedagogical model in MOOCs
I Claros, A Garmendía, L Echeverría, R Cobos
2014 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 905-911, 2014
Achievements and challenges in learning analytics in Spain: The view of SNOLA
A Martínez Monés, I Dimitriadis Damoulis, E Acquila Natale, A Álvarez, ...
RIED. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia 23 (2), 187, 2020
Early prediction and variable importance of certificate accomplishment in a MOOC
JA Ruipérez-Valiente, R Cobos, PJ Muñoz-Merino, Á Andujar, ...
Digital Education: Out to the World and Back to the Campus: 5th European …, 2017
Open-DLAs: An open dashboard for learning analytics
R Cobos, S Gil, A Lareo, FA Vargas
Proceedings of the third (2016) ACM conference on learning@ scale, 265-268, 2016
Evaluation of the development of metacognitive knowledge supported by the knowcat system
M Pifarré, R Cobos
Educational Technology Research and Development 57, 787-799, 2009
Improving the students computational thinking skills with collaborative learning techniques
L Echeverría, R Cobos, M Morales
IEEE Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje 14 (4), 196-206, 2019
It tools for knowledge management: A study of the current situation
R Cobos, J Esquivel, X Alamán
Journal of Novática and Informatik/Informatique 3 (1), 2002
A learning analytics tool for predictive modeling of dropout and certificate acquisition on MOOCs for professional learning
R Cobos, L Olmos
2018 IEEE international conference on industrial engineering and engineering …, 2018
Visualising the MOOC experience: a dynamic MOOC dashboard built through institutional collaboration
M Leon Urrutia, R Cobos, K Dickens, S White, H Davis
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