Yupeng Li
Dikutip oleh
Dikutip oleh
Helicity-protected ultrahigh mobility Weyl fermions in NbP
Z Wang, Y Zheng, Z Shen, Y Lu, H Fang, F Sheng, Y Zhou, X Yang, Y Li, ...
Physical Review B 93 (12), 121112, 2016
Negative magnetoresistance in Weyl semimetals NbAs and NbP: Intrinsic chiral anomaly and extrinsic effects
Y Li, Z Wang, P Li, X Yang, Z Shen, F Sheng, X Li, Y Lu, Y Zheng, ZA Xu
Frontiers of Physics 12, 1-10, 2017
Observation of Fermi arcs in non-centrosymmetric Weyl semi-metal candidate NbP
DF Xu, YP Du, Z Wang, YP Li, XH Niu, Q Yao, D Pavel, ZA Xu, XG Wan, ...
Chinese Physics Letters 32 (10), 107101, 2015
Exploring topological superconductivity in topological materials
Y Li, ZA Xu
Advanced Quantum Technologies 2 (9), 1800112, 2019
Chiral anomaly induced negative magnetoresistance in topological Weyl semimetal NbAs
X Yang, Y Liu, Z Wang, Y Zheng, Z Xu
arXiv preprint arXiv:1506.03190, 2015
Pressure induced superconductivity bordering a charge-density-wave state in NbTe4 with strong spin-orbit coupling
X Yang, Y Zhou, M Wang, H Bai, X Chen, C An, Y Zhou, Q Chen, Y Li, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 6298, 2018
Giant linear magneto-resistance in nonmagnetic PtBi2
X Yang, H Bai, Z Wang, Y Li, Q Chen, J Chen, Y Li, C Feng, Y Zheng, Z Xu
Applied Physics Letters 108 (25), 2016
Pressure-induced superconductivity in topological semimetal NbAs2
Y Li, C An, C Hua, X Chen, Y Zhou, Y Zhou, R Zhang, C Park, Z Wang, ...
npj Quantum Materials 3 (1), 58, 2018
Superconductivity in a misfit layered compound (SnSe) 1.16 (NbSe2)
H Bai, X Yang, Y Liu, M Zhang, M Wang, Y Li, J Ma, Q Tao, Y Xie, GH Cao, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 30 (35), 355701, 2018
Enhanced anisotropic superconductivity in the topological nodal-line semimetal
Y Li, Z Wu, J Zhou, K Bu, C Xu, L Qiao, M Li, H Bai, J Ma, Q Tao, C Cao, ...
Physical Review B 102 (22), 224503, 2020
Negative magnetoresistance in topological semimetals of transition-metal dipnictides with nontrivial Z2 indices
Y Li, Z Wang, Y Lu, X Yang, Z Shen, F Sheng, C Feng, Y Zheng, ZA Xu
arXiv preprint arXiv:1603.04056, 2016
Anisotropic gapping of topological Weyl rings in the charge-density-wave superconductor InxTaSe2
Y Li, Y Wu, C Xu, N Liu, J Ma, B Lv, G Yao, Y Liu, H Bai, X Yang, L Qiao, ...
Science Bulletin 66 (3), 243-249, 2021
Superconductivity in tantalum self-intercalated 4Ha-Ta1. 03Se2
H Bai, M Wang, X Yang, Y Li, J Ma, X Sun, Q Tao, L Li, ZA Xu
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 30 (9), 095703, 2018
Sr0. 9K0. 1Zn1. 8Mn0. 2As2: A ferromagnetic semiconductor with colossal magnetoresistance
X Yang, Q Chen, Y Li, Z Wang, J Bao, Y Li, Q Tao, G Cao, ZA Xu
Europhysics Letters 107 (6), 67007, 2014
Superconductivity in a misfit compound (PbSe) 1.12 (TaSe2)
X Yang, M Wang, Y Li, H Bai, J Ma, X Sun, Q Tao, C Dong, ZA Xu
Superconductor Science and Technology 31 (12), 125010, 2018
Evidence for an Excitonic Insulator State in
J Huang, B Jiang, J Yao, D Yan, X Lei, J Gao, Z Guo, F Jin, Y Li, Z Yuan, ...
Physical Review X 14 (1), 011046, 2024
Spontaneous Gap Opening and Potential Excitonic States in an Ideal Dirac Semimetal
P Zhang, Y Dong, D Yan, B Jiang, T Yang, J Li, Z Guo, Y Huang, Haobo, ...
Physical Review X 14 (1), 011047, 2024
A robust and tunable Luttinger liquid in correlated edge of transition-metal second-order topological insulator Ta2Pd3Te5
A Wang, Y Li, G Yang, D Yan, Y Huang, Z Guo, J Gao, J Huang, Q Zeng, ...
Nature Communications 14 (1), 7647, 2023
Quantum transport in a compensated semimetal with nontrivial indices
Y Li, C Xu, M Shen, J Wang, X Yang, X Yang, Z Zhu, C Cao, ZA Xu
Physical Review B 98 (11), 115145, 2018
Heavy fermion quantum criticality at dilute carrier limit in CeNi2−δ(As1−xPx)2
J Chen, Z Wang, Y Li, C Feng, J Dai, Z Xu, Q Si
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 12307, 2019
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