Kazunori Ohno
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Collaborative mapping of an earthquake damaged building via ground and aerial robots
N Michael, S Shen, K Mohta, V Kumar, K Nagatani, Y Okada, ...
Field and service robotics: results of the 8th international conference, 33-47, 2014
Outdoor navigation of a mobile robot between buildings based on DGPS and odometry data fusion
K Ohno, T Tsubouchi, B Shigematsu, S Maeyama, S Yuta
2003 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (Cat. No …, 2003
Differential GPS and odometry-based outdoor navigation of a mobile robot
K Ohno, T Tsubouchi, B Shigematsu, S Yuta
Advanced Robotics 18 (6), 611-635, 2004
Semi-autonomous control system of rescue crawler robot having flippers for getting over unknown-steps
K Ohno, S Morimura, S Tadokoro, E Koyanagi, T Yoshida
2007 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2007
Real-time robot trajectory estimation and 3d map construction using 3d camera
K Ohno, T Nomura, S Tadokoro
2006 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2006
Multirobot exploration for search and rescue missions: A report on map building in RoboCupRescue 2009
K Nagatani, Y Okada, N Tokunaga, S Kiribayashi, K Yoshida, K Ohno, ...
Journal of Field Robotics 28 (3), 373-387, 2011
Quince: A collaborative mobile robotic platform for rescue robots research and development
E Rohmer, T Yoshida, K Ohno, K Nagatani, S Tadokoro, E Konayagi
The Abstracts of the international conference on advanced mechatronics …, 2010
Vehicle detection and localization on bird's eye view elevation images using convolutional neural network
SL Yu, T Westfechtel, R Hamada, K Ohno, S Tadokoro
2017 IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security and Rescue Robotics …, 2017
Integration of a sub-crawlers' autonomous control in Quince highly mobile rescue robot
E Rohmer, K Ohno, T Yoshida, K Nagatani, E Konayagi, S Tadokoro
2010 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, 78-83, 2010
Development of 3D laser scanner for measuring uniform and dense 3D shapes of static objects in dynamic environment.
K Ohno, T Kawahara, S Tadokoro
2008 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, 2161-2167, 2009
Robotic control vehicle for measuring radiation in Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant
K Ohno, S Kawatsuma, T Okada, E Takeuchi, K Higashi, S Tadokoro
2011 IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics …, 2011
Proposal and experimental validation of a design strategy for a UAV with a passive rotating spherical shell
S Mizutani, Y Okada, CJ Salaan, T Ishii, K Ohno, S Tadokoro
2015 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2015
Close visual bridge inspection using a UAV with a passive rotating spherical shell
CJO Salaan, Y Okada, S Mizutani, T Ishii, K Koura, K Ohno, S Tadokoro
Journal of Field Robotics 35 (6), 850-867, 2018
A high mobility 6-crawler mobile robot ‘Kenaf’
T Yoshida, E Koyanagi, S Tadokoro, K Yoshida, K Nagatani, K Ohno, ...
Proc. 4th International Workshop on Synthetic Simulation and Robotics to …, 2007
Outdoor map building based on odometry and RTK-GPS positioning fusion
K Ohno, T Tsubouchi, S Yuta
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2004. Proceedings …, 2004
Development and experimental validation of aerial vehicle with passive rotating shell on each rotor
CJ Salaan, K Tadakuma, Y Okada, Y Sakai, K Ohno, S Tadokoro
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 4 (3), 2568-2575, 2019
Trials of 3-D map construction using the tele-operated tracked vehicle kenaf at disaster city
K Ohno, S Tadokoro, K Nagatani, E Koyanagi, T Yoshida
2010 IEEE International Conference on robotics and automation, 2864-2870, 2010
Dense 3D map building based on LRF data and color image fusion
K Ohno, S Tadokoro
2005 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2005
Fog removal using laser beam penetration, laser intensity, and geometrical features for 3D measurements in fog-filled room
AU Shamsudin, K Ohno, T Westfechtel, S Takahiro, Y Okada, S Tadokoro
Advanced robotics 30 (11-12), 729-743, 2016
Hovering of MAV by using magnetic adhesion and winch mechanisms
K Yanagimura, K Ohno, Y Okada, E Takeuchi, S Tadokoro
2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 6250-6257, 2014
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