Ernest O'Boyle
Ernest O'Boyle
Professor, Dale M. Coleman Chair of Management, Indiana University
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The relation between emotional intelligence and job performance: A meta‐analysis
EH O'Boyle Jr, RH Humphrey, JM Pollack, TH Hawver, PA Story
Journal of Organizational Behavior 32 (5), 788-818, 2011
A meta-analysis of the dark triad and work behavior: A social exchange perspective.
EH O'Boyle Jr, DR Forsyth, GC Banks, MA McDaniel
Journal of applied psychology, 2011
Mind-sets matter: a meta-analytic review of implicit theories and self-regulation.
JL Burnette, EH O'boyle, EM VanEpps, JM Pollack, EJ Finkel
Psychological bulletin 139 (3), 655, 2013
Job burnout and employee engagement: A meta-analytic examination of construct proliferation
MS Cole, F Walter, AG Bedeian, EH O’Boyle
Journal of management 38 (5), 1550-1581, 2012
Why Does Self-Reported Emotional Intelligence Predict Job Performance? A Meta-Analytic Investigation of Mixed EI.
DL Joseph, J Jin, DA Newman, EH O’Boyle
Journal of Applied Psychology, 2014
A tale of two sample sources: Do results from online panel data and conventional data converge?
SL Walter, SE Seibert, D Goering, EH O’Boyle
Journal of Business and Psychology 34, 425-452, 2019
Endogeneity: A review and agenda for the methodology-practice divide affecting micro and macro research
AD Hill, SG Johnson, LM Greco, EH O’Boyle, SL Walter
Journal of Management 47 (1), 105-143, 2021
Star performers in twenty‐first century organizations
H Aguinis, E O'Boyle Jr
Personnel Psychology 67 (2), 313-350, 2014
What does team–member exchange bring to the party? A meta‐analytic review of team and leader social exchange
GC Banks, JH Batchelor, A Seers, EH O'Boyle Jr, JM Pollack, K Gower
Journal of Organizational Behavior 35 (2), 273-295, 2014
Measurement models for linking latent variables and indicators: A review of human resource management research using parcels
LJ Williams, EH O'Boyle
Human Resource Management Review 18 (4), 233-242, 2008
The best and the rest: Revisiting the norm of normality of individual performance
EH O'Boyle, H Aguinis
Personnel Psychology 65 (1), 79-119, 2012
A meta‐analytic test of redundancy and relative importance of the dark triad and five‐factor model of personality
EH O'Boyle, DR Forsyth, GC Banks, PA Story, CD White
Journal of personality 83 (6), 644-664, 2015
Exploring the relation between family involvement and firms' financial performance: A meta-analysis of main and moderator effects
EH O'Boyle Jr, JM Pollack, MW Rutherford
Journal of Business venturing 27 (1), 1-18, 2012
East meets west: A meta-analytic investigation of cultural variations in idealism and relativism
DR Forsyth, EH O’boyle, MA McDaniel
Journal of Business Ethics 83, 813-833, 2008
The chrysalis effect: How ugly initial results metamorphosize into beautiful articles
EH O’Boyle Jr, GC Banks, E Gonzalez-Mulé
Journal of Management 43 (2), 376-399, 2017
Management’s science–practice gap: A grand challenge for all stakeholders
GC Banks, JM Pollack, JE Bochantin, BL Kirkman, CE Whelpley, ...
Academy of Management Journal 59 (6), 2205-2231, 2016
Passion at work: A meta‐analysis of individual work outcomes
JM Pollack, VT Ho, EH O'Boyle, BL Kirkman
Journal of Organizational Behavior 41 (4), 311-331, 2020
Growth mindsets and psychological distress: A meta-analysis
JL Burnette, LE Knouse, DT Vavra, E O'Boyle, MA Brooks
Clinical Psychology Review 77, 101816, 2020
Best practices in developing, conducting, and evaluating inductive research
SE Woo, EH O'Boyle, PE Spector
Human Resource Management Review 27 (2), 255-264, 2017
Employee ownership and firm performance: a meta‐analysis
EH O'Boyle, PC Patel, E Gonzalez‐Mulé
Human Resource Management Journal 26 (4), 425-448, 2016
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