Effects of Nb doping on the anatase-to-rutile phase transition J Arbiol, J Cerda, G Dezanneau, A Cirera, F Peiro, A Cornet, JR Morante
Journal of Applied Physics 92 (2), 853-861, 2002
395 2002 Crystalline structure, defects and gas sensor response to NO2 and H2S of tungsten trioxide nanopowders I Jimenez, J Arbiol, G Dezanneau, A Cornet, JR Morante
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 93 (1-3), 475-485, 2003
265 2003 Insights into the structural and chemical modifications of Nb additive on TiO2 nanoparticles AM Ruiz, G Dezanneau, J Arbiol, A Cornet, JR Morante
Chemistry of materials 16 (5), 862-871, 2004
230 2004 Perovskite-type BaSnO3 powders for high temperature gas sensor applications J Cerdà, J Arbiol, G Dezanneau, R Dıaz, JR Morante
Sensors and Actuators B: chemical 84 (1), 21-25, 2002
200 2002 GdBaCo2O5+ x layered perovskite as an intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cell cathode A Tarancón, A Morata, G Dezanneau, SJ Skinner, JA Kilner, S Estradé, ...
Journal of Power Sources 174 (1), 255-263, 2007
165 2007 Synthesis of perovskite-type BaSnO3 particles obtained by a new simple wet chemical route based on a sol–gel process J Cerda, J Arbiol, R Diaz, G Dezanneau, JR Morante
Materials Letters 56 (3), 131-136, 2002
132 2002 Synthesis of nanocrystalline materials for SOFC applications by acrylamide polymerisation A Tarancón, G Dezanneau, J Arbiol, F Peiró, JR Morante
Journal of Power Sources 118 (1-2), 256-264, 2003
117 2003 Structure, magnetic and electrical behaviour of La0. 7Sr0. 3Mn1− xTixO3 with 0⩽ x⩽ 0.3 N Kallel, G Dezanneau, J Dhahri, M Oumezzine, H Vincent
Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 261 (1-2), 56-65, 2003
116 2003 A new CO2 gas sensing material A Marsal, G Dezanneau, A Cornet, JR Morante
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 95 (1-3), 266-270, 2003
107 2003 Theoretical and experimental study of the structural, dynamical and dielectric properties of perovskiteBaSnO3 É Bévillon, A Chesnaud, Y Wang, G Dezanneau, G Geneste
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 20 (14), 145217, 2008
102 2008 Study of the influence of Nb content and sintering temperature on TiO2 sensing films A Ruiz, G Dezanneau, J Arbiol, A Cornet, JR Morante
Thin Solid Films 436 (1), 90-94, 2003
92 2003 Improving the functional properties of (K0. 5Na0. 5) NbO3 piezoceramics by acceptor doping X Vendrell, JE García, X Bril, DA Ochoa, L Mestres, G Dezanneau
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 35 (1), 125-130, 2015
86 2015 Synthesis and characterisation of La1− xMnO3±δ nanopowders prepared by acrylamide polymerisation G Dezanneau, A Sin, H Roussel, H Vincent, M Audier
Solid state communications 121 (2-3), 133-137, 2002
79 2002 Structural characterization of by x-ray diffraction and x-ray absorption spectroscopy G Dezanneau, M Audier, H Vincent, C Meneghini, E Djurado
Physical Review B 69 (1), 014412, 2004
75 2004 Influence of synthesis route and composition on electrical properties of La9. 33+ xSi6O26+ 3x/2 oxy-apatite compounds A Chesnaud, G Dezanneau, C Estournès, C Bogicevic, F Karolak, ...
Solid State Ionics 179 (33-34), 1929-1939, 2008
69 2008 Molecular dynamics simulations of oxygen diffusion in GdBaCo2O5. 5 J Hermet, G Geneste, G Dezanneau
Applied Physics Letters 97 (17), 2010
64 2010 High-temperature anion and proton conduction in RE3NbO7 (RE= La, Gd, Y, Yb, Lu) compounds A Chesnaud, MD Braida, S Estradé, F Peiro, A Tarancón, A Morata, ...
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 35 (11), 3051-3061, 2015
60 2015 Preparation of transparent oxyapatite ceramics by combined use of freeze-drying and spark-plasma sintering A Chesnaud, C Bogicevic, F Karolak, C Estournes, G Dezanneau
Chemical Communications, 1550-1552, 2007
59 2007 La2− xSrxCoO4− δ (x= 0.9, 1.0, 1.1) Ruddlesden-Popper-type layered cobaltites as cathode materials for IT-SOFC application Y Hu, Y Bouffanais, L Almar, A Morata, A Tarancon, G Dezanneau
International journal of hydrogen energy 38 (7), 3064-3072, 2013
58 2013 Properties of Y-doped BaSnO3 proton conductors Y Wang, A Chesnaud, E Bevillon, G Dezanneau
Solid State Ionics 214, 45-55, 2012
58 2012