Ricardo Neisse
Ricardo Neisse
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A blockchain-based approach for data accountability and provenance tracking
R Neisse, G Steri, I Nai-Fovino
Proceedings of the 12th international conference on availability …, 2017
Ethical design in the internet of things
G Baldini, M Botterman, R Neisse, M Tallacchini
Science and engineering ethics 24, 905-925, 2018
Security and privacy issues for an IoT based smart home
D Geneiatakis, I Kounelis, R Neisse, I Nai-Fovino, G Steri, G Baldini
2017 40th international convention on information and communication …, 2017
DIAT: A scalable distributed architecture for IoT
C Sarkar, AUN SN, RV Prasad, A Rahim, R Neisse, G Baldini
IEEE Internet of Things journal 2 (3), 230-239, 2014
SecKit: a model-based security toolkit for the internet of things
R Neisse, G Steri, IN Fovino, G Baldini
computers & security 54, 60-76, 2015
Enforcement of security policy rules for the internet of things
R Neisse, G Steri, G Baldini
2014 IEEE 10th international conference on wireless and mobile computing …, 2014
Implementing trust in cloud infrastructures
R Neisse, D Holling, A Pretschner
2011 11th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid …, 2011
Fostering consumers' energy market through smart contracts
I Kounelis, G Steri, R Giuliani, D Geneiatakis, R Neisse, I Nai-Fovino
2017 international conference in energy and sustainability in small …, 2017
Blockchain performance analysis for supporting cross-border E-government services
D Geneiatakis, Y Soupionis, G Steri, I Kounelis, R Neisse, I Nai-Fovino
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 67 (4), 1310-1322, 2020
Trustworthiness and quality of context information
R Neisse, M Wegdam
2008 The 9th International Conference for Young Computer Scientists, 1925-1931, 2008
Implementation and bandwidth consumption evaluation of SNMP to web services gateways
R Neisse, RL Vianna, LZ Granville, MJB Almeida, LMR Tarouco
2004 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (IEEE Cat. No …, 2004
Building trust in the human? internet of things relationship
I Kounelis, G Baldini, R Neisse, G Steri, M Tallacchini, AG Pereira
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine 33 (4), 73-80, 2014
Physical layer authentication of Internet of Things wireless devices through permutation and dispersion entropy
G Baldini, R Giuliani, G Steri, R Neisse
2017 global internet of things summit (GIoTS), 1-6, 2017
Security certification and labelling in Internet of Things
G Baldini, A Skarmeta, E Fourneret, R Neisse, B Legeard, F Le Gall
2016 IEEE 3rd World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT), 627-632, 2016
A model-based security toolkit for the internet of things
R Neisse, IN Fovino, G Baldini, V Stavroulaki, P Vlacheas, R Giaffreda
2014 Ninth International Conference on Availability, Reliability and …, 2014
An agent-based framework for informed consent in the internet of things
R Neisse, G Baldini, G Steri, Y Miyake, S Kiyomoto, AR Biswas
2015 IEEE 2nd World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT), 789-794, 2015
Trust management model and architecture for context-aware service platforms
R Neisse, M Wegdam, M Van Sinderen, G Lenzini
On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2007: CoopIS, DOA, ODBASE, GADA …, 2007
A novel multi-hop secure LTE-D2D communication protocol for IoT scenarios
G Steri, G Baldini, IN Fovino, R Neisse, L Goratti
2016 23rd international conference on telecommunications (ICT), 1-6, 2016
Informed consent in Internet of Things: The case study of cooperative intelligent transport systems
R Neisse, G Baldini, G Steri, V Mahieu
2016 23rd international conference on telecommunications (ICT), 1-5, 2016
A trustworthy usage control enforcement framework
R Neisse, A Pretschner, V Di Giacomo
2011 Sixth International Conference on Availability, Reliability and …, 2011
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