Inman Harvey
Inman Harvey
Email yang diverifikasi di sussex.ac.uk - Beranda
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Noise and the reality gap: The use of simulation in evolutionary robotics
N Jakobi, P Husbands, I Harvey
Advances in artificial life: Third European conference on artificial life …, 1995
Explorations in evolutionary robotics
D Cliff, P Husbands, I Harvey
Adaptive behavior 2 (1), 73-110, 1993
Evolutionary robotics: the Sussex approach
I Harvey, P Husbands, D Cliff, A Thompson, N Jakobi
Robotics and autonomous systems 20 (2-4), 205-224, 1997
Seeing the light: Artificial evolution, real vision
I Harvey, P Husbands, D Cliff
From animals to animats 3, 392-401, 1994
Evolutionary robotics: A new scientific tool for studying cognition
I Harvey, ED Paolo, R Wood, M Quinn, E Tuci
Artificial life 11 (1-2), 79-98, 2005
Time out of joint: Attractors in asynchronous random boolean networks
I Harvey, T Bossomaier
Proceedings of the fourth European conference on artificial life, 67-75, 1997
Issues in evolutionary robotics
I Harvey¹, P Husbands¹, D Cliff
From Animals to Animats 2: Proceedings of the Second International …, 1993
Species adaptation genetic algorithms: A basis for a continuing SAGA
I Harvey
Toward a practice of autonomous systems: Proceedings of the first european …, 1992
The microbial genetic algorithm
I Harvey
European conference on artificial life, 126-133, 2009
Through the labyrinth evolution finds a way: A silicon ridge
I Harvey, A Thompson
International Conference on Evolvable Systems, 406-422, 1996
Evolving visually guided robots
D Cliff, P Husbands, I Harvey
University of Sussex, School of Cognitive and Computing Sciences, 1992
Evolutionary robotics and SAGA: the case for hill crawling and tournament selection
I Harvey
University of Sussex, School of Cognitive and Computing Sciences, 1992
The artificial evolution of adaptive behaviour.
I Harvey
University of Sussex, 1995
Unconstrained evolution and hard consequences
A Thompson, I Harvey, P Husbands
Towards Evolvable Hardware: the evolutionary engineering approach, 136-165, 1996
Artificial evolution: A new path for artificial intelligence?
P Husbands, I Harvey, D Cliff, G Miller
Brain and cognition 34 (1), 130-159, 1997
Incremental evolution of neural network architectures for adaptive behaviour
DT Cli, I Harvey, P Husbands
Proceedings of the European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks (ESANN …, 1992
The horizons of evolutionary robotics
PA Vargas, EA Di Paolo, I Harvey, P Husbands
MIT press, 2014
Circle in the round: State space attractors for evolved sighted robots
P Husbands, I Harvey, D Cliff
The Biology and Technology of Intelligent Autonomous Agents, 222-257, 1995
Artificial evolution: a continuing SAGA
I Harvey
International symposium on evolutionary robotics, 94-109, 2001
The SAGA cross: The mechanics of recombination for species with variable length genotypes
I Harvey
PPSN, 271-, 1992
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