Artikel dengan mandat akses publik - Ethan PickeringPelajari lebih lanjut
Tidak tersedia di mana pun: 2
Building electricity consumption: Data analytics of building operations with classical time series decomposition and case based subsetting
EM Pickering, MA Hossain, RH French, AR Abramson
Energy and Buildings 177, 184-196, 2018
Mandat: US Department of Energy
Data analytics applied to the electricity consumption of office buildings to reveal building operational characteristics
MA Hossain, A Khalilnejad, R Haddadian, EM Pickering, RH French, ...
Advances in Building Energy Research 15 (6), 755-773, 2021
Mandat: US Department of Energy
Tersedia di suatu tempat: 12
Optimal eddy viscosity for resolvent-based models of coherent structures in turbulent jets
E Pickering, G Rigas, OT Schmidt, D Sipp, T Colonius
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 917, A29, 2021
Mandat: US Department of Defense
Lift-up, Kelvin–Helmholtz and Orr mechanisms in turbulent jets
E Pickering, G Rigas, PAS Nogueira, AVG Cavalieri, OT Schmidt, ...
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 896, A2, 2020
Mandat: US Department of Defense
Discovering and forecasting extreme events via active learning in neural operators
E Pickering, S Guth, GE Karniadakis, TP Sapsis
Nature Computational Science 2 (12), 823-833, 2022
Mandat: US Department of Defense
Efficient global resolvent analysis via the one-way Navier–Stokes equations
A Towne, G Rigas, O Kamal, E Pickering, T Colonius
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 948, A9, 2022
Mandat: US Department of Defense, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council …
Resolvent-based modeling of turbulent jet noise
E Pickering, A Towne, P Jordan, T Colonius
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 150 (4), 2421-2433, 2021
Mandat: US Department of Defense, European Commission
Eddy viscosity for resolvent-based jet noise models
EM Pickering, G Rigas, D Sipp, OT Schmidt, T Colonius
25th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2454, 2019
Mandat: US Department of Defense
Resolvent-based jet noise models: a projection approach
EM Pickering, A Towne, P Jordan, T Colonius
AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum, 0999, 2020
Mandat: US Department of Defense
Streaks and coherent structures in jets from round and serrated nozzles
G Rigas, EM Pickering, OT Schmidt, PA Nogueira, AV Cavalieri, GA Bres, ...
25th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2597, 2019
Mandat: US Department of Defense
A cross-sectional study of the temporal evolution of electricity consumption of six commercial buildings
EM Pickering, MA Hossain, JP Mousseau, RA Swanson, RH French, ...
PloS one 12 (10), e0187129, 2017
Mandat: US Department of Energy
Jet mixing enhancement with Bayesian optimization, deep learning and persistent data topology
Y Li, BR Noack, T Wang, GYC Maceda, E Pickering, T Shaqarin, ...
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 991, A5, 2024
Mandat: Narodowe Centrum Nauki
The effect of flight on a turbulent jet: coherent structure eduction and resolvent analysis
IA Maia, L Heidt, E Pickering, T Colonius, P Jordan, GA Brès
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 985, A21, 2024
Mandat: European Commission
Systems and methods for data analytics for virtual energy audits and value capture assessment of buildings
A Abramson, R French, E Pickering, M Hossain, A Khalilnejad, ...
Case Western Reserve Univ., Cleveland, OH (United States), 2022
Mandat: US Department of Energy
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