Boris Aguilar
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H++ 3.0: automating pK prediction and the preparation of biomolecular structures for atomistic molecular modeling and simulations
R Anandakrishnan, B Aguilar, AV Onufriev
Nucleic acids research 40 (W1), W537-W541, 2012
Modeling stochasticity and variability in gene regulatory networks
D Murrugarra, A Veliz-Cuba, B Aguilar, S Arat, R Laubenbacher
EURASIP Journal on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology 2012, 1-11, 2012
Steady state analysis of Boolean molecular network models via model reduction and computational algebra
A Veliz-Cuba, B Aguilar, F Hinkelmann, R Laubenbacher
BMC bioinformatics 15, 1-8, 2014
Identification of control targets in Boolean molecular network models via computational algebra
D Murrugarra, A Veliz-Cuba, B Aguilar, R Laubenbacher
BMC systems biology 10, 1-11, 2016
Boolean nested canalizing functions: A comprehensive analysis
Y Li, JO Adeyeye, D Murrugarra, B Aguilar, R Laubenbacher
Theoretical Computer Science 481, 24-36, 2013
Reducing the secondary structure bias in the generalized Born model via R6 effective radii
B Aguilar, R Shadrach, AV Onufriev
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 6 (12), 3613-3630, 2010
Statistics and physical origins of pK and ionization state changes upon protein-ligand binding
B Aguilar, R Anandakrishnan, JZ Ruscio, AV Onufriev
Biophysical journal 98 (5), 872-880, 2010
Exploring Approaches for Predictive Cancer Patient Digital Twins: Opportunities for Collaboration and Innovation
EA Stahlberg, MH Abdel-Rahman, B Aguilar, A Asadpoure, RA Beckman, ...
Frontiers in Digital Health, 191, 2022
Protein–ligand electrostatic binding free energies from explicit and implicit solvation
S Izadi, B Aguilar, AV Onufriev
Journal of chemical theory and computation 11 (9), 4450-4459, 2015
Efficient computation of the total solvation energy of small molecules via the R6 generalized Born model
B Aguilar, AV Onufriev
Journal of chemical theory and computation 8 (7), 2404-2411, 2012
Introducing charge hydration asymmetry into the generalized Born model
A Mukhopadhyay, BH Aguilar, IS Tolokh, AV Onufriev
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 10 (4), 1788-1794, 2014
Intricate genetic programs controlling dormancy in Mycobacterium tuberculosis
EJR Peterson, AA Abidi, ML Arrieta-Ortiz, B Aguilar, JT Yurkovich, A Kaur, ...
Cell Reports 31 (4), 2020
Accuracy of continuum electrostatic calculations based on three common dielectric boundary definitions
AV Onufriev, B Aguilar
Journal of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry 13 (03), 1440006, 2014
A generalizable data-driven multicellular model of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma
B Aguilar, DL Gibbs, DJ Reiss, M McConnell, SA Danziger, A Dervan, ...
Gigascience 9 (7), giaa075, 2020
A near-optimal control method for stochastic boolean networks
B Aguilar, P Fang, R Laubenbacher, D Murrugarra
Letters in biomathematics 7 (1), 67, 2020
Accuracy comparison of several common implicit solvent models and their implementations in the context of protein-ligand binding
EV Katkova, AV Onufriev, B Aguilar, VB Sulimov
Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling 72, 70-80, 2017
Dimension reduction of large sparse AND-NOT network models
A Veliz-Cuba, B Aguilar, R Laubenbacher
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 316, 83-95, 2015
Cell death as a trigger for morphogenesis
B Aguilar, A Ghaffarizadeh, CD Johnson, GJ Podgorski, I Shmulevich, ...
PLoS One 13 (3), e0191089, 2018
Uncovering potential interventions for pancreatic cancer patients via mathematical modeling
D Plaugher, B Aguilar, D Murrugarra
Journal of theoretical biology 548, 111197, 2022
Flexibility of boolean network reservoir computers in approximating arbitrary recursive and non-recursive binary filters
M Echlin, B Aguilar, M Notarangelo, DL Gibbs, I Shmulevich
Entropy 20 (12), 954, 2018
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