Kwanghyun Kim
Kwanghyun Kim
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When does cross-cultural motivation enhance expatriate effectiveness? A multilevel investigation of the moderating roles of subsidiary support and cultural distance
G Chen, BL Kirkman, K Kim, CIC Farh, S Tangirala
Academy of Management journal 53 (5), 1110-1130, 2010
Fit happens globally: A meta‐analytic comparison of the relationships of person–environment fit dimensions with work attitudes and performance across East Asia, Europe, and …
IS Oh, RP Guay, K Kim, CM Harold, JH Lee, CG Heo, KH Shin
Personnel Psychology 67 (1), 99-152, 2014
Individual differences and expatriate assignment effectiveness: The case of US-based Korean expatriates
K Kim, JW Slocum Jr
Journal of world business 43 (1), 109-126, 2008
Newcomers abroad: Expatriate adaptation during early phases of international assignments
BM Firth, G Chen, BL Kirkman, K Kim
Academy of Management Journal 57 (1), 280-300, 2014
Cultural intelligence and international assignment effectiveness
K Kim, BL Kirkman, G Chen
Handbook of cultural intelligence: Theory, measurement, and applications, 71-90, 2008
When do employees cyberloaf? An interactionist perspective examining personality, justice, and empowerment
K Kim, M del Carmen Triana, K Chung, N Oh
Human Resource Management 55 (6), 1041-1058, 2016
Across borders and technologies: Advancements in virtual teams research
BL Kirkman, CB Gibson, K Kim
직무만족, 조직몰입, 성과, 이직의도 간의 관련성: 문헌고찰 및 메타분석
오인수, 김광현, TC Darnold, 황종오, 유태용, 박영아, 박량희
인사․ 조직연구 15 (4), 43-86, 2007
How does relative deprivation influence employee intention to leave a merged company? The role of organizational identification
B Cho, D Lee, K Kim
Human Resource Management 53 (3), 421-443, 2014
Relative importance of major job performance dimensions in determining supervisors' overall job performance ratings
JY Choi, C Miao, IS Oh, CM Berry, K Kim
Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences/Revue Canadienne des Sciences de …, 2019
Language, cultural intelligence, and inpatriate turnover intentions: Leveraging values in multinational corporations through inpatriates
FJ Froese, K Kim, A Eng
Management International Review 56, 283-301, 2016
Human capital in multinational enterprises: Does strategic alignment matter?
CC Chung, HY Park, JY Lee, K Kim
Journal of International Business Studies 46, 806-829, 2015
High‐Performance Work System and Organizational Turnover in East and Southeast Asian Countries1
ZY Yalabik, SJ Chen, J Lawler, K Kim
Industrial Relations: a journal of economy and society 47 (1), 145-152, 2008
The relationship between team deep‐level diversity and team performance: A meta‐analysis of the main effect, moderators, and mediating mechanisms
MC Triana, K Kim, SY Byun, DM Delgado, W Arthur Jr
Journal of management studies 58 (8), 2137-2179, 2021
That’s not fair! How personal value for diversity influences reactions to the perceived discriminatory treatment of minorities
MC Triana, MF Wagstaff, K Kim
Journal of business ethics 111, 211-218, 2012
The incremental validity of honesty–humility over cognitive ability and the big five personality traits
IS Oh, H Le, DS Whitman, K Kim, TY Yoo, JO Hwang, CS Kim
Human Performance 27 (3), 206-224, 2014
Does positive perception of oneself boost learning motivation and performance?
K Kim, IS Oh, DS Chiaburu, KG Brown
International Journal of Selection and Assessment 20 (3), 257-271, 2012
High‐performance work systems with internal and external contingencies: the moderating roles of organizational slack and industry instability
K Kim, C Ok, SC Kang, J Bae, K Kwon
Human Resource Management 60 (3), 415-433, 2021
How and when organizational integration efforts matter in South Korea: A psychological process perspective on the post-merger integration
D Lee, K Kim, TG Kim, S Kwon, B Cho
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 24 (5), 944-965, 2013
고성과 작업시스템이 조직몰입에 미치는 영향에 관한 다층분석-조직공정성 지각의 매개효과
권기욱, 김광현, 김종인
조직과 인사관리연구 36 (2), 61-84, 2012
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