Artikel dengan mandat akses publik - Rodolphe CléracPelajari lebih lanjut
Tidak tersedia di mana pun: 65
A Ferromagnetically Coupled Mn19 Aggregate with a Record S=83/2 Ground Spin State
AM Ako, IJ Hewitt, V Mereacre, R Clérac, W Wernsdorfer, CE Anson, ...
Angewandte Chemie 118 (30), 5048-5051, 2006
Mandat: German Research Foundation
Metal-to-metal electron transfer in Co/Fe Prussian blue molecular analogues: the ultimate miniaturization
ES Koumousi, IR Jeon, Q Gao, P Dechambenoit, DN Woodruff, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 136 (44), 15461-15464, 2014
Mandat: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Cyanide single-molecule magnets exhibiting solvent dependent reversible “on” and “off” exchange bias behavior
D Pinkowicz, HI Southerland, C Avendaño, A Prosvirin, C Sanders, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 137 (45), 14406-14422, 2015
Mandat: US Department of Energy, Swiss National Science Foundation, Danish Council …
[ReF6]2−: A Robust Module for the Design of Molecule‐Based Magnetic Materials
KS Pedersen, M Sigrist, MA Sørensen, AL Barra, T Weyhermüller, ...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 53 (5), 1351-1354, 2014
Mandat: Danish Council for Independent Research
Syntheses, Structures, and Magnetic Properties of a Family of Heterometallic Heptanuclear [Cu5Ln2] (Ln = Y(III), Lu(III), Dy(III), Ho(III), Er(III), and Yb(III …
V Chandrasekhar, A Dey, S Das, M Rouzières, R Clérac
Inorganic Chemistry 52 (5), 2588-2598, 2013
Mandat: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India, Department of Science …
[Pd3Sn8Bi6]4–: A 14-Vertex Sn/Bi Cluster Embedding a Pd3 Triangle
F Lips, R Clerac, S Dehnen
Journal of the American Chemical Society 133 (36), 14168-14171, 2011
Mandat: German Research Foundation
Multistability at room temperature in a bent-shaped spin-crossover complex decorated with long alkyl chains
D Rosario-Amorin, P Dechambenoit, A Bentaleb, M Rouzieres, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 140 (1), 98-101, 2018
Mandat: European Commission
Synthesis, structures and magnetic properties of heterometallic Mn2IIILn2III tetranuclear complexes
MN Akhtar, Y Lan, V Mereacre, R Clérac, CE Anson, AK Powell
Polyhedron 28 (9-10), 1698-1703, 2009
Mandat: German Research Foundation
Influencing the Symmetry of High‐Nuclearity and High‐Spin Manganese Oxo Clusters: Supramolecular Approaches to Manganese‐Based Keplerates and Chiral Solids
L Zhang, R Clérac, P Heijboer, W Schmitt
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 51 (12), 3007-3011, 2012
Mandat: Science Foundation Ireland
Ultra-broadband EPR spectroscopy in field and frequency domains
P Neugebauer, D Bloos, R Marx, P Lutz, M Kern, D Aguilà, J Vaverka, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20 (22), 15528-15534, 2018
Mandat: German Research Foundation, European Commission
Complete series of chiral paramagnetic molecular conductors based on tetramethyl-bis (ethylenedithio)-tetrathiafulvalene (TM-BEDT-TTF) and chloranilate-bridged heterobimetallic …
M Atzori, F Pop, P Auban-Senzier, R Clérac, E Canadell, ML Mercuri, ...
Inorganic Chemistry 54 (7), 3643-3653, 2015
Mandat: Government of Spain, Government of Italy
Inorganic frameworks from selenidotetrelate anions [T2Se6] 4−(T= Ge, Sn): synthesis, structures, and ionic conductivity of [K2 (H2O) 3][MnGe4Se10] and (NMe4) 2 [MSn4Se10](M= Mn …
S Haddadpour, M Melullis, H Staesche, CR Mariappan, B Roling, ...
Inorganic chemistry 48 (4), 1689-1698, 2009
Mandat: German Research Foundation
Cyclo- and Carbophosphazene-Supported Ligands for the Assembly of Heterometallic (Cu2+/Ca2+, Cu2+/Dy3+, Cu2+/Tb3+) Complexes: Synthesis, Structure …
V Chandrasekhar, T Senapati, A Dey, S Das, M Kalisz, R Clérac
Inorganic Chemistry 51 (4), 2031-2038, 2012
Mandat: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India
Origin and Location of Electrons and Protons during the Formation of Intermetalloid Clusters [Sm@Ga3−xH3−2xBi10+x]3− (x=0, 1)
B Weinert, F Müller, K Harms, R Clérac, S Dehnen
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 53 (44), 11979-11983, 2014
Mandat: German Research Foundation
New Valence-Sandwich [MnII4MnIII4MnII4] Aggregate Showing Single-Molecule Magnet Behavior
Y Li, W Wernsdorfer, R Clérac, IJ Hewitt, CE Anson, AK Powell
Inorganic chemistry 45 (6), 2376-2378, 2006
Mandat: German Research Foundation
Ionic‐Radius‐Driven Selection of the Main‐Group‐Metal Cage for Intermetalloid Clusters [Ln@ PbxBi14− x] q− and [Ln@ PbyBi13− y] q−(x/q= 7/4, 6/3; y/q= 4/4, 3/3)
R Ababei, W Massa, B Weinert, P Pollak, X Xie, R Clérac, F Weigend, ...
Chemistry–A European Journal 21 (1), 386-394, 2015
Mandat: German Research Foundation
“Switching on” the single-molecule magnet properties within a series of dinuclear cobalt (III)–dysprosium (III) 2-pyridyloximate complexes
CD Polyzou, ES Koumousi, ZG Lada, CP Raptopoulou, V Psycharis, ...
Dalton Transactions 46 (43), 14812-14825, 2017
Mandat: European Commission
Liquid-crystalline zinc (II) and iron (II) alkyltriazoles one-dimensional coordination polymers
P Grondin, D Siretanu, O Roubeau, MF Achard, R Clérac
Inorganic chemistry 51 (9), 5417-5426, 2012
Mandat: Government of Spain
Ab initio study of the magnetic exchange coupling constants of a structural model [CaMn3IIIMnII] of the oxygen evolving center in photosystem II
H Fliegl, K Fink, W Klopper, CE Anson, AK Powell, R Clérac
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 11 (20), 3900-3909, 2009
Mandat: German Research Foundation
Self-Assembly of Hybrid Organic− Inorganic Polyoxomolybdates: Solid-State Structures and Investigation of Formation and Core Rearrangements in Solution
CI Onet, L Zhang, R Clérac, JB Jean-Denis, M Feeney, T McCabe, ...
Inorganic Chemistry 50 (2), 604-613, 2011
Mandat: Science Foundation Ireland
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