Artikel dengan mandat akses publik - Jeremy DodeignePelajari lebih lanjut
Tidak tersedia di mana pun: 1
What do selectorates seek? A comparative analysis of Belgian federal and regional candidate selection processes in 2014
A Vandeleene, J Dodeigne, L De Winter
American Behavioral Scientist 60 (7), 889-908, 2016
Mandat: National Fund for Scientific Research, Belgium
Tersedia di suatu tempat: 8
Who governs? The disputed effects of regionalism on legislative career orientation in multilevel systems
J Dodeigne
West European Politics 41 (3), 728-753, 2018
Mandat: National Fund for Scientific Research, Belgium
Changing your political mind: The impact of a metaphor on citizens’ representations and preferences for federalism
M Reuchamps, J Dodeigne, J Perrez
Regional & Federal Studies 28 (2), 151-175, 2018
Mandat: National Fund for Scientific Research, Belgium
It’s not only about the leader: Oligarchized personalization and preference voting in Belgium
J Dodeigne, JB Pilet
Party politics 30 (1), 24-36, 2024
Mandat: National Fund for Scientific Research, Belgium
Is electoral intraparty competition more intense in urban areas?
J Dodeigne, GJ Put, F Teuber
Electoral Studies 82, 2023
Mandat: National Fund for Scientific Research, Belgium, Hungarian Scientific …
The (De‐) Europeanization of the Political Class in the European Parliament: A Longitudinal Analysis of Members of the European Parliament's Career Patterns (1979–2019)
J Dodeigne, F Randour, S Kopsch
JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 2024
Mandat: National Fund for Scientific Research, Belgium
Metaphors, political knowledge and the basic income debate in Belgium: An experimental study of the framing impact of metaphors on political representations
A Vandeleene, F Randour, J Dodeigne, P Heyvaert, T Legein, J Perrez, ...
Metaphor and the social world 13 (2), 269-292, 2023
Mandat: National Fund for Scientific Research, Belgium
Local voters have their reasons. Mapping voting motives in local elections in Belgium
J Dodeigne, M Reuchamps, K Steyvers, F Teuber
Swiss Political Science Review 28 (4), 624-652, 2022
Mandat: National Fund for Scientific Research, Belgium
New trends or old habits?: Stability and changes in political styles in European democracies since 1960
J Dodeigne
Mandat: European Commission
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