Marco Diana
Marco Diana
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A new regret insertion heuristic for solving large-scale dial-a-ride problems with time windows
M Diana, MM Dessouky
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 38 (6), 539-557, 2004
Efficiency and effectiveness in the urban public transport sector: A critical review with directions for future research
C Daraio, M Diana, F Di Costa, C Leporelli, G Matteucci, A Nastasi
European Journal of Operational Research 248 (1), 1-20, 2016
Measuring the satisfaction of multimodal travelers for local transit services in different urban contexts
M Diana
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 46 (1), 1-11, 2012
What makes travel pleasant and/or tiring? An investigation based on the French National Travel Survey
PL Mokhtarian, F Papon, M Goulard, M Diana
Transportation 42, 1103-1128, 2015
A model for the fleet sizing of demand responsive transportation services with time windows
M Diana, MM Dessouky, N Xia
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 40 (8), 651-666, 2006
Substitution and complementarity patterns between traditional transport means and car sharing: a person and trip level analysis
R Ceccato, M Diana
Transportation 48, 1523-1540, 2021
Desire to change one’s multimodality and its relationship to the use of different transport means
M Diana, PL Mokhtarian
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 12 (2), 107-119, 2009
Mobility styles and car sharing use in Europe: attitudes, behaviours, motives and sustainability
ÉMS Ramos, CJ Bergstad, A Chicco, M Diana
European Transport Research Review 12, 1-12, 2020
Grouping travelers on the basis of their different car and transit levels of use
M Diana, PL Mokhtarian
Transportation 36, 455-467, 2009
Emissions of demand responsive services as an alternative to conventional transit systems
M Diana, L Quadrifoglio, C Pronello
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 12 (3), 183-188, 2007
From mode choice to modal diversion: A new behavioural paradigm and an application to the study of the demand for innovative transport services
M Diana
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 77 (3), 429-441, 2010
A methodology for comparing distances traveled by performance-equivalent fixed-route and demand responsive transit services
M Diana, L Quadrifoglio, C Pronello
Transportation planning and technology 32 (4), 377-399, 2009
Making the “primary utility of travel” concept operational: a measurement model for the assessment of the intrinsic utility of reported trips
M Diana
Transportation research part A: policy and practice 42 (3), 455-474, 2008
Survey harmonisation with new technologies improvement (SHANTI)
J Armoogum, P Bonsall, M Browne, L Christensen, M Cools, E Cornelis, ...
Les collections de l'INRETS, 2014
Carsharing services in sustainable urban transport: An inclusive science map of the field
ZS Esfandabadi, M Diana, MC Zanetti
Journal of Cleaner Production 357, 131981, 2022
Efficiency, effectiveness, and impacts assessment in the rail transport sector: a state‐of‐the‐art critical analysis of current research
G Catalano, C Daraio, M Diana, M Gregori, G Matteucci
International Transactions in Operational Research 26 (1), 5-40, 2019
A review of the socio-demographic characteristics affecting the demand for different car-sharing operational schemes
E Amirnazmiafshar, M Diana
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 14, 100616, 2022
A preliminary analysis on gender aspects in transport systems and mobility services: Presentation of a survey design
M Pirra, S Kalakou, A Carboni, M Costa, M Diana, AR Lynce
Sustainability 13 (5), 2676, 2021
A comparative assessment of synthetic indices to measure multimodality behaviours
M Diana, M Pirra
Transportmetrica A: Transport Science 12 (9), 771-793, 2016
Traveler segmentation strategy with nominal variables through correspondence analysis
M Diana, C Pronello
Transport Policy 17 (3), 183-190, 2010
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