Taejune Park
Taejune Park
Email yang diverifikasi di jnu.ac.kr - Beranda
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Enabling security functions with SDN: A feasibility study
C Yoon, T Park, S Lee, H Kang, S Shin, Z Zhang
Computer Networks 85, 19-35, 2015
Flow wars: Systemizing the attack surface and defenses in software-defined networks
C Yoon, S Lee, H Kang, T Park, S Shin, V Yegneswaran, P Porras, G Gu
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 25 (6), 3514-3530, 2017
SODA: A software-defined security framework for IoT environments
Y Kim, J Nam, T Park, S Scott-Hayward, S Shin
Computer Networks 163, 106889, 2019
MC-SDN: Supporting mixed-criticality scheduling on switched-ethernet using software-defined networking
K Lee, T Park, M Kim, HS Chwa, J Lee, S Shin, I Shin
2018 IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), 288-299, 2018
Extended data plane architecture for in-network security services in software-defined networks
J Kim, Y Kim, V Yegneswaran, P Porras, S Shin, T Park
Computers & Security 124, 102976, 2023
MC-SDN: Supporting mixed-criticality real-time communication using software-defined networking
K Lee, M Kim, T Park, HS Chwa, J Lee, S Shin, I Shin
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 6 (4), 6325-6344, 2019
QoSE: Quality of security a network security framework with distributed NFV
T Park, Y Kim, J Park, H Suh, B Hong, S Shin
Communications (ICC), 2016 IEEE International Conference on, 1-6, 2016
Unisafe: A union of security actions for software switches
T Park, Y Kim, S Shin
Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Workshop on Security in Software …, 2016
Dpx: Data-plane extensions for sdn security service instantiation
T Park, Y Kim, V Yegneswaran, P Porras, Z Xu, KS Park, S Shin
Detection of Intrusions and Malware, and Vulnerability Assessment: 16th …, 2019
Formullar: An FPGA-based network testing tool for flexible and precise measurement of ultra-low latency networking systems
T Park, S Shin, I Shin, K Lee
Computer Networks 185, 107689, 2021
Heimdallr: Fingerprinting SD-WAN control-plane architecture via encrypted control traffic
M Seo, J Kim, E Marin, M You, T Park, S Lee, S Shin, J Kim
Proceedings of the 38th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference …, 2022
Reinhardt: Real-time reconfigurable hardware architecture for regular expression matching in dpi
T Park, J Nam, SH Na, J Chung, S Shin
Proceedings of the 37th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference …, 2021
Mobius: Packet re-processing hardware architecture for rich policy handling on a network processor
T Park, S Shin
Journal of Network and Systems Management 29, 1-26, 2021
A reflectornet based on software defined network
T Park, S Lee, S Shin
The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences …, 2014
Reconfigurable regular expression matching architecture for real-time pattern update and payload inspection
J Nam, SH Na, S Shin, T Park
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 208, 103507, 2022
HEX switch: Hardware-assisted security extensions of OpenFlow
T Park, Z Xu, S Shin
Proceedings of the 2018 Workshop on Security in Softwarized Networks …, 2018
MECaNIC: SmartNIC to assist URLLC processing in multi-access edge computing platforms
T Park, M You, J Cui, Y Jin, K Lee, S Shin
2022 IEEE 30th International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP), 1-12, 2022
Supporting ultra-low latency mixed-criticality communication using hardware-based data plane architecture
T Park, K Lee
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 204, 103401, 2022
A Playground for Software-Defined Networking Security
S Lee, C Lee, H Jo, J Kim, S Lee, J Nam, T Park, C Yoon, Y Kim, H Kang, ...
GSIS, School of Computing, KAIST, 2015
Fatriot: Fault-tolerant MEC architecture for mission-critical systems using a SmartNIC
T Park, M You, J Kim, S Lee
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 231, 103978, 2024
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