Mara Balestrini
Mara Balestrini
Inter-American Development Bank;ESADE-Ramon Llull University, ESADEGov Center for Public Governance.
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El proyecto Facebook y la posuniversidad. Sistemas operativos sociales y entornos abiertos de aprendizaje
AMR Bermudez
Rev. U. Soc. Conocimiento 8, 165, 2011
A City in Common: A Framework to Orchestrate Large-scale Citizen Engagement around Urban Issues
M Balestrini, Y Rogers, C Hassan, J Creus, M King, P Marshall
CHI´17, 2017
Understanding sustained community engagement: A case study in heritage preservation in rural Argentina
M Balestrini, J Bird, P Marshall, A Zaro, Y Rogers
32nd ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI). Toronto …, 2014
IoT Community Technologies: Leaving Users to Their Own Devices or Orchestration of Engagement?
M Balestrini, T Diez, P Marshall, A Gluhak, Y Rogers
Endorsed Transactions on Internet of Things 15 (1), 2015
The Promise of Participation and Decision-Making Power in Citizen Science
I Eleta, G Galdon Clavell, V Righi, M Balestrini
Citizen Science: Theory and Practice 4 (1), 8, 2019
Jokebox: Coordinating Shared Encounters in Public Spaces
M Balestrini, P Marshall, R Cornejo, J Bird, M Tentori, Y Rogers
CSCW '16 Proceedings of the 19th ACM Conference on Computer-Supported …, 2016
Citizen sensing: a toolkit
M Woods, M Balestrini, S Bejtullahu, S Bocconi, G Boerwinkel, ...
Making Sense, 2018
Civically engaged HCI: tensions between novelty and social impact
M Balestrini, Y Rogers, P Marshall
British HCI '15 Proceedings of the 2015 British HCI Conference, 35-36, 2015
El traspaso de la tiza al celular: celumetrajes en el Proyecto Facebook para pensar con imágenes y narrativas transmedia
M Balestrini
El proyecto facebook y la posuniversidad: sistemas operativos sociales y …, 2010
Co-creating a local environmental epidemiology study: the case of citizen science for investigating air pollution and related health risks in Barcelona, Spain
F Gignac, V Righi, R Toran, LP Errandonea, R Ortiz, M Nieuwenhuijsen, ...
Environmental Health 21 (1), 11, 2022
Beyond boundaries: the home as city infrastructure for smart citizens
M Balestrini, T Diez, P Marshall
Proceedings of the 2014 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and …, 2014
Stop the noise! enhancing meaningfulness in participatory sensing with community level indicators
S Coulson, M Woods, M Scott, D Hemment, M Balestrini
Proceedings of the 2018 designing interactive systems conference, 1183-1192, 2018
From social to civic: Public engagement with iot in places and communities
C Liu, M Balestrini, GN Vilaza
Social Internet of Things, 185-210, 2019
Maker movements, do-it-yourself cultures and participatory design: Implications for HCI research
M Smyth, I Helgason, F Kresin, M Balestrini, AB Unteidig, S Lawson, ...
Extended Abstracts of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing …, 2018
Prototipos de Mobile Open Education: Una breve selección de Casos.
HP Kuklinski, M Balestrini
Rev. Iberoam. de Tecnol. del Aprendiz. 5 (4), 125-131, 2010
A city in common: explorations on sustained community engagement with bottom-up civic technologies
ME Balestrini
UCL (University College London), 2017
Technology-supported orchestration matters: outperforming paper-based scripting in a Jigsaw classroom
M Balestrini, D Hernandez-Leo, R Nieves, J Blat
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 2013
Experimentation at scale: challenges for making urban informatics work
M Brynskov, A Heijnen, M Balestrini, C Raetzsch
Smart and sustainable built environment 7 (1), 150-163, 2018
Collaboration matters: capacity building, up-scaling, spreading, and sustainability in citizen-generated data projects
M Balestrini, A Kotsev, M Ponti, S Schade
Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 8 (169), 2021
From Participatory Sensing to Making Sense
F Balestrini, M., Diaz, T., Kresin
Proceedings of the Workshop " Environmental Infrastructures and Platforms …, 2015
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