Sung Joon Song
Sung Joon Song
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Bioaccumulation characteristics of perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) in coastal organisms from the west coast of South Korea
S Hong, JS Khim, T Wang, JE Naile, J Park, BO Kwon, SJ Song, J Ryu, ...
Chemosphere 129, 157-163, 2015
Two Years after the Hebei Spirit Oil Spill: Residual Crude-Derived Hydrocarbons and Potential AhR-Mediated Activities in Coastal Sediments
S Hong, JS Khim, J Ryu, J Park, SJ Song, BO Kwon, K Choi, K Ji, J Seo, ...
Environmental science & technology 46 (3), 1406-1414, 2012
Environmental and ecological effects of Lake Shihwa reclamation project in South Korea: A review
CH Lee, BY Lee, WK Chang, S Hong, SJ Song, J Park, BO Kwon, JS Khim
Ocean & coastal management 102, 545-558, 2014
The Saemangeum tidal flat: long-term environmental and ecological changes in marine benthic flora and fauna in relation to the embankment
J Ryu, J Nam, J Park, BO Kwon, JH Lee, SJ Song, S Hong, WK Chang, ...
Ocean & coastal management 102, 559-571, 2014
Biodiversity of Marine Invertebrates on Rocky Shores of Dokdo, Korea
Zoological Studies 51 (5), 710, 2012
Impacts of environmental and anthropogenic stresses on macrozoobenthic communities in Jinhae Bay, Korea
H Bae, JH Lee, SJ Song, J Park, BO Kwon, S Hong, J Ryu, K Choi, ...
Chemosphere 171, 681-691, 2017
Microphytobenthos of Korean tidal flats: a review and analysis on floral distribution and tidal dynamics
J Park, BO Kwon, M Kim, S Hong, J Ryu, SJ Song, JS Khim
Ocean & Coastal Management 102, 471-482, 2014
Chemical-, site-, and taxa-dependent benthic community health in coastal areas of the Bohai Sea and northern Yellow Sea: a sediment quality triad approach
JS Khim, J Park, SJ Song, SJ Yoon, J Noh, S Hong, BO Kwon, J Ryu, ...
Science of the Total Environment 645, 743-752, 2018
Shift in polar benthic community structure in a fast retreating glacial area of Marian Cove, West Antarctica
H Bae, IY Ahn, J Park, SJ Song, J Noh, H Kim, JS Khim
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 241, 2021
Assessment of potential biological activities and distributions of endocrine-disrupting chemicals in sediments of the west coast of South Korea
S Jeon, S Hong, BO Kwon, J Park, SJ Song, JP Giesy, JS Khim
Chemosphere 168, 441-449, 2017
Macrozoobenthos of Korean tidal flats: A review on species assemblages and distribution
J Park, SJ Song, J Ryu, BO Kwon, S Hong, H Bae, JW Choi, JS Khim
Ocean & coastal management 102, 483-492, 2014
Biodiversity hotspot for marine invertebrates around the Dokdo, East Sea, Korea: Ecological checklist revisited
SJ Song, J Park, J Ryu, HS Rho, W Kim, JS Khim
Marine Pollution Bulletin 119 (2), 162-170, 2017
Spatiotemporal variations in macrofaunal assemblages linked to site-specific environmental factors in two contrasting nearshore habitats
H Bae, JH Lee, SJ Song, J Ryu, J Noh, BO Kwon, K Choi, JS Khim
Environmental Pollution 241, 596-606, 2018
Natural and anthropogenic impacts on long-term meiobenthic communities in two contrasting nearshore habitats
HG Kim, SJ Song, H Bae, J Noh, C Lee, BO Kwon, JH Lee, J Ryu, ...
Environment international 134, 105200, 2020
Seasonal variability of community structure and breeding activity in marine phytal harpacticoid copepods on Ulva pertusa from Pohang, east coast of Korea
SJ Song, J Ryu, JS Khim, W Kim, SG Yun
Journal of Sea Research 63 (1), 1-10, 2010
The intertidal harpacticoid copepod Tigriopus japonicus (Crustacea: Copepoda) β-actin gene: cloning, sequence and intraspecies variation
IC Kim, YJ Kim, SJ Song, JS Lee, W Lee
DNA Sequence 14 (4), 279-284, 2003
Spatiotemporal distributions of butyltin compounds in various intertidal organisms along the Samcheok and Tongyeong coasts of Korea
T Kim, S Jeon, S Hong, SJ Song, BO Kwon, J Ryu, JS Khim
Chemosphere 172, 268-277, 2017
Eight Harpactiocoid Species of Harpacticidae (Copepoda, Harpacticoida) From Korea
CC Young
Animal Systematics, Evolution and Diversity 9 (2), 203-220, 1993
Marine biodiversity in Korea: A review of macrozoobenthic assemblages, their distributions, and long-term community changes from human impacts
JS Khim, C Lee, SJ Song, H Bae, J Noh, J Lee, HG Kim, JW Choi
Oceanography and Marine Biology, 483-532, 2021
Ecological checklist of the marine and brackish-water harpacticoid copepod fauna in Korean waters
SJ Song, J Park, BO Kwon, J Ryu, JS Khim
Zoological Studies 51 (8), 1397-1410, 2012
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