alessandro rottura
alessandro rottura
University of Bologna (Retired Full Professor)
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Origin and significance of the Permian high-K calc-alkaline magmatism in the central-eastern Southern Alps, Italy
A Rottura, GM Bargossi, A Caggianelli, A Del Moro, D Visonà, CA Tranne
Lithos 45 (1-4), 329-348, 1998
Lower crustal granite genesis connected with chemical fractionation in the continental crust of Calabria (Southern Italy)
A Caggianelli, A Del Moro, A Paglionico, G Piccarreta, L Pinarelli, ...
Eur. J. Mineral 3, 159-180, 1991
Relationships between intermediate and acidic rocks in orogenic granitoid suites: petrological, geochemical and isotopic (Sr, Nd, Pb) data from Capo Vaticano (southern Calabria …
A Rottura, A Del Moro, L Pinarelli, R Petrini, A Peccerillo, A Caggianelli, ...
Chemical Geology 92 (1-3), 153-176, 1991
Occurrence and origin of andalusite in peraluminous felsic igneous rocks
DB Clarke, M Dorais, B Barbarin, D Barker, B Cesare, G Clarke, ...
Journal of Petrology 46 (3), 441-472, 2005
Petrogenesis of contrasting Hercynian granitoids from the Calabrian Arc, southern Italy
A Rottura, GM Bargossi, V Caironi, A Del Moro, E Maccarrone, P Macera, ...
Lithos 24 (2), 97-119, 1990
Remnants of the Hercynian orogen along the'Calabrian-Peloritan arc', southern Italy: a review
P Atzori, P Ferla, A Paglionico, G Piccarreta, A Rottura
Journal of the Geological Society 141 (1), 137-145, 1984
Thermal history vs. fabric anisotropy in granitoids emplaced at different crustal levels: an example from Calabria, southern Italy
A Caggianelli, G Prosser, A Rottura
Terra Nova 12 (3), 109-116, 2000
Tectonic structure and post-Hercynian evolution of the Serre, Calabrian Arc, southern Italy: geological, petrological and radiometric evidences
A Del Moro, A Paglionico, G Piccarreta, A Rottura
Tectonophysics 124 (3-4), 223-238, 1986
P–T–t path of the Hercynian low‐pressure rocks from the Mandatoriccio complex (Sila Massif, Calabria, Italy): new insights for crustal evolution
A Langone, G Godard, G Prosser, A Caggianelli, A Rottura, M Tiepolo
Journal of Metamorphic Geology 28 (2), 137-162, 2010
Elemental mobility during the weathering of exposed lower crust: the kinzigitic paragneisses from the Serre, Calabria, Southern Italy
G Mongelli, RL Cullers, E Dinelli, A Rottura
Terra Nova 10 (4), 190-195, 1998
Peraluminous granitic suite of Calabria-Peloritani arc (southern Italy)
C D'AMICO, A Rottura, E Maccarrone, G Puglisi
Petrogenesis of Hercynian peraluminous granites from the Calabrian Arc, Italy
A Rottura, A Caggianelli, R Campana, A Del Moro
European Journal of Mineralogy 5 (4), 737-754, 1993
Petrogenesis of the Monte Croce granitoids in the context of Permian magmatism in the Southern Alps, Italy
C di Geodinamica, U della Basilicata
Eur. J. Mineral 9, 1293-1310, 1997
The Curinga-Girifalco fault zone (northern Serre, Calabria) and its significance within the Alpine tectonic evolution of the western Mediterranean
A Langone, E Gueguen, G Prosser, A Caggianelli, A Rottura
Journal of Geodynamics 42 (4-5), 140-158, 2006
Sr and Nd isotopic study and Rb-Sr geochronology of the Bejar granites, Iberian Massif, Spain
L Pinarelli, A Rottura
European Journal of Mineralogy-Ohne Beihefte 7 (3), 577-590, 1995
Pre-Triassic history recorded in the Calabria-Peloritani segment of the Alpine chain, southern Italy. An overview
V Festa, A Messina, A Paglionico, G Piccarreta, A Rottura
Periodico di Mineralogia 73 (2), 57-71, 2004
Granulite-amphibolite facies metasediments from the Serre (Calabria, Southern Italy): their protoliths and the processes controlling their chemistry
E Maccarrone, A Paglionico, G Piccarreta, A Rottura
Lithos 16 (2), 95-111, 1983
Studio radiometrico Rb-Sr di granitoidi peraluminosi dell'arco calabro-peloritano
A Del Moro, G Pardini, E Maccarrone, A Rottura
Rendiconti della Società Italiana di Mineralogia e Petrologia 38 (3), 1015-1026, 1982
Petrology and evolution of the central Serre granitoids (Southern Calabria-Italy)
A Fornelli, A Caggianelli, A Del Moro, GM Bargossi, A Paglionico, ...
Periodico di Mineralogia 63 (1-3), 53-70, 1994
Guida all'escursione sul distretto vulcanico atesino e sulle plutoniti di Bressanone-Chiusa e Cima d'Asta
GM Bargossi, A Rottura, L Vernia, D Visona, CA Tranne
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