Jukka Similä
Jukka Similä
Research Professor in Natural Resources Law, University of Lapland
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Mining in the Arctic environment–A review from ecological, socioeconomic and legal perspectives
A Tolvanen, P Eilu, A Juutinen, K Kangas, M Kivinen, ...
Journal of environmental management 233, 832-844, 2019
Evaluation of environmental policy instruments: a case study of the Finnish pulp & paper and chemical industries
M Hildén, J Lepola, P Mickwitz, A Mulders, M Palosaari, J Similä, ...
Finnish Environment Institute, 2002
Securing the conservation of biodiversity across administrative levels and spatial, temporal, and ecological scales–research needs and approaches of the SCALES project
K Henle, W Kunin, O Schweiger, DS Schmeller, V Grobelnik, Y Matsinos, ...
Gaia-Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society 19 (3), 187-193, 2010
Improving conservation planning for semi-natural grasslands: Integrating connectivity into agri-environment schemes
A Arponen, RK Heikkinen, R Paloniemi, J Pöyry, J Similä, M Kuussaari
Biological Conservation 160, 234-241, 2013
Governing complexity: Integrating science, governance, and law to manage accelerating change in the globalized commons
B Cosens, JB Ruhl, N Soininen, L Gunderson, A Belinskij, T Blenckner, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (36), e2102798118, 2021
Towards a sustainable and genuinely green economy: the value and social significance of ecosystem services in Finland (TEEB for Finland): synthesis and roadmap
JP Jäppinen, J Heliölä
Ympäristöministeriö, 2015
Evolution in Finland's forest biodiversity conservation payments and the institutional constraints on establishing new policy
E Primmer, R Paloniemi, J Similä, DN Barton
Society & Natural Resources 26 (10), 1137-1154, 2013
Forest owner perceptions of institutions and voluntary contracting for biodiversity conservation: not crowding out but staying out
E Primmer, R Paloniemi, J Similä, A Tainio
Ecological Economics 103, 1-10, 2014
Recently introduced policy instruments and intervention theories
P Kautto, J Similä
Evaluation 11 (1), 55-68, 2005
Human-wildlife conflicts in Europe
RA Klenke, I Ring, A Kranz, N Jepsen, F Rauschmayer, K Henle
Berlin and Heidelberg: Springer, 2013
Scaling in ecology and biodiversity conservation
SG Potts, AV Scott, WE Kunin, RM Gunton, YG Matsinos, J Similä, ...
Pensoft, 2014
Local community participation in mining in Finnish Lapland and Northern British Columbia, Canada–Practical applications of CSR and SLO
S Tuulentie, G Halseth, A Kietäväinen, L Ryser, J Similä
Resources policy 61, 99-107, 2019
Biodiversity conservation across scales: lessons from a science-policy dialogue
R Paloniemi, E Apostolopoulou, E Primmer, M Grodzińska-Jurczak, ...
Governing conflicts between mining and tourism in the Arctic
J Similä, M Jokinen
Arctic review on law and politics 9, 148-173, 2018
Pollution regulation and its effects on technological innovations
J Simila
J. Envtl. L. 14, 143, 2002
Land use synergies and conflicts identification in the framework of compatibility analyses and spatial assessment of ecological, socio-cultural and economic values
K Kangas, G Brown, M Kivinen, A Tolvanen, S Tuulentie, J Karhu, ...
Journal of Environmental Management 316, 115174, 2022
Developing novel property concepts in private law to foster the circular economy
RM Ballardini, J Kaisto, J Similä
Journal of Cleaner Production 279, 123747, 2021
Too important to fail? Evaluating legal adaptive capacity for increasing coastal and marine aquaculture production in EU-Finland
N Soininen, A Belinskij, J Similä, R Kortet
Marine Policy 110, 103498, 2019
Social licence for the utilization of wild berries in the context of local traditional rights and the interests of the berry industry
R Peltola, V Hallikainen, S Tuulentie, A Naskali, O Manninen, J Similä
fi= Lapin yliopisto, Arktinen keskus| en= University of Lapland, Arctic Centre|, 2014
Assessing the role of economic instruments in a policy mix for biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services provision: a review of some methodological challenges
DN Barton, G Rusch, P May, I Ring, H Unnerstall, R Santos, P Antunes, ...
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