Michele Battistoni
Michele Battistoni
Associate Professor, University of Perugia
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Numerical analysis of injector flow and spray characteristics from diesel injectors using fossil and biodiesel fuels
M Battistoni, CN Grimaldi
Applied Energy 97, 656-666, 2012
An Eulerian CFD model and X-ray radiography for coupled nozzle flow and spray in internal combustion engines
Q Xue, M Battistoni, CF Powell, DE Longman, SP Quan, E Pomraning, ...
International Journal of Multiphase Flow 70, 77-88, 2015
SS Michele Battistoni, Daniel J. Duke, Andrew B. Swantek, F. Zak Tilocco ...
Atomization and Sprays 25 (6), 453-483, 2015
Effect of Off-Axis Needle Motion on Internal Nozzle and Near Exit Flow in a Multi-hole Diesel injector
EP Michele Battistoni, Qingluan Xue, Sibendu Som
SAE Int. J. Fuels Lubr. 7 (1), 10-21, 2014
Assessment of port water injection strategies to control knock in a GDI engine through multi-cycle CFD simulations
M Battistoni, CN Grimaldi, V Cruccolini, G Discepoli, M De Cesare
SAE Technical Paper, 2017
Common Rail HSDI Diesel Engine Combustion and Emissions with Fossil/Bio-Derived Fuel Blends
CN Grimaldi, L Postrioti, M Battistoni, F Millo
SAE 2002 Transactions – Part 3 – Journal of Engines, ISSN: 0096-736X / 2003 …, 2003
Numerical investigation of two-phase flow evolution of in-and near-nozzle regions of a gasoline direct injection engine during needle transients
K Saha, S Som, M Battistoni, Y Li, E Pomraning, PK Senecal
SAE International Journal of Engines 9 (2), 1230-1240, 2016
Comparison of mixture and multi-fluid models for in-nozzle cavitation prediction
M Battistoni, S Som, DE Longman
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 136, 061506-1, 2014
Eulerian CFD Modeling of Coupled Nozzle Flow and Spray with Validation against X-ray Radiography Data
DS Qingluan Xue, Michele Battistoni, Sibendu Som
SAE Int. J. Engines 7 (2), 2014
Validation of a three-dimensional internal nozzle flow model including automatic mesh generation and cavitation effects
SS Zhao H., Quan S., Dai M., Pomraning E., Senecal PK, Xue Q., Battistoni M.
J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power, doi: 10.1115/1.4027193 136 (9), 10, 2014
Validation of a three-dimensional internal nozzle flow model including automatic mesh generation and cavitation effects
H Zhao, S Quan, M Dai, E Pomraning, PK Senecal, Q Xue, M Battistoni, ...
ASME ICEF 2013, 2013
Highly resolved Eulerian simulations of fuel spray transients in single and multi-hole injectors: Nozzle flow and near-exit dynamics
M Battistoni, S Som, CF Powell
Fuel 251, 709-729, 2019
Large-eddy simulation (LES) of spray transients: start and end of injection phenomena
M Battistoni, Q Xue, S Som
Oil & Gas Science and Technology–Revue d’IFP Energies nouvelles 71 (1), 4, 2016
Lean combustion analysis using a corona discharge igniter in an optical engine fueled with methane and a hydrogen-methane blend
V Cruccolini, G Discepoli, A Cimarello, M Battistoni, F Mariani, ...
Fuel 259, 116290, 2020
Experimental and numerical momentum flux evaluation of high pressure Diesel spray
L Postrioti, F Mariani, M Battistoni
Fuel 98, 149-163, 2012
Penetration and combustion characterization of cavitating and non-cavitating fuel injectors under diesel engine conditions
FR Westlye, M Battistoni, SA Skeen, J Manin, LM Pickett, A Ivarsson
SAE Technical Paper, 2016
Coupled Eulerian internal nozzle flow and Lagrangian spray simulations for GDI systems
K Saha, S Quan, M Battistoni, S Som, PK Senecal, E Pomraning
SAE Technical Paper, 2017
Effect of piston crevices on the numerical simulation of a heavy-duty diesel engine retrofitted to natural-gas spark-ignition operation
I Stocchi, J Liu, CE Dumitrescu, M Battistoni, CN Grimaldi
Journal of Energy Resources Technology 141 (11), 112204, 2019
Injection Strategies Tuning for the use of Bio-Derived Fuels in a Common Rail HSDI Diesel Engine
L Postrioti, M Battistoni, CN Grimaldi, F Millo
SAE 2003 Transactions – Part 4 – Journal of Fuels and Lubricants, ISSN: 0096 …, 2004
Prediction of the nozzle flow and jet characteristics at start and end of injection: transient behaviors
M Battistoni, C Poggiani, S Som
SAE International Journal of Engines 9 (1), 84-97, 2016
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