Matthias Hollick
Matthias Hollick
Professor of Computer Science, Technische Universität Darmstadt
Email yang diverifikasi di seemoo.tu-darmstadt.de
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A survey on privacy in mobile participatory sensing applications
D Christin, A Reinhardt, SS Kanhere, M Hollick
Journal of Systems and Software 84 (11), 1928-1946, 2011
On the Accuracy of Appliance Identification Based on Distributed Load Metering Data
A Reinhardt, P Baumann, D Burgstahler, M Hollick, H Chonov, M Werner, ...
Sustainable Internet and ICT for Sustainability (SustainIT) 6, 2012
Free Your CSI: A Channel State Information Extraction Platform For Modern Wi-Fi Chipsets
F Gringoli, M Schulz, J Link, M Hollick
Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Wireless Network Testbeds …, 2019
Survey on wireless sensor network technologies for industrial automation: the security and quality of service perspectives
D Christin, PS Mogre, M Hollick
Future Internet 2 (2), 96-125, 2010
Research challenges in QoS routing
X Masip-Bruin, M Yannuzzi, J Domingo-Pascual, A Fonte, M Curado, ...
Computer communications 29 (5), 563-581, 2006
IncogniSense: An anonymity-preserving reputation framework for participatory sensing applications
D Christin, C Roßkopf, M Hollick, LA Martucci, SS Kanhere
Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom), 2012 IEEE International …, 2012
Compressive Millimeter-Wave Sector Selection in Off-the-Shelf IEEE 802.1 lad Devices
D Steinmetzer, D Wegemer, M Schulz, J Widmer, M Hollick
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on emerging Networking …, 2017
An Online Context-Aware Machine Learning Algorithm for 5G mmWave Vehicular Communications
GH Sim, S Klos, A Asadi, A Klein, M Hollick
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 26 (6), 2487-2500, 2018
Frankenstein: Advanced wireless fuzzing to exploit new bluetooth escalation targets
J Ruge, J Classen, F Gringoli, M Hollick
29th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 20), 19-36, 2020
Shadow Wi-Fi: Teaching Smartphones to Transmit Raw Signals and to Extract Channel State Information to Implement Practical Covert Channels over Wi-Fi
M Schulz, J Link, F Gringoli, M Hollick
Proceedings of the 16th Annual International Conference on Mobile Systems …, 2018
FML: Fast machine learning for 5G mmWave vehicular communications
A Asadi, S Müller, GH Sim, A Klein, M Hollick
IEEE INFOCOM 2018-IEEE Conference on Computer Communications, 1961-1969, 2018
The Spy Next Door: Eavesdropping on High Throughput Visible Light Communications
J Classen, J Chen, D Steinmetzer, M Hollick, E Knightly
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Visible Light …, 2015
Anatomy of a vulnerable fitness tracking system: Dissecting the fitbit cloud, app, and firmware
J Classen, D Wegemer, P Patras, T Spink, M Hollick
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous …, 2018
Unsupervised traffic flow classification using a neural autoencoder
J Höchst, L Baumgärtner, M Hollick, B Freisleben
2017 IEEE 42nd Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), 523-526, 2017
Survey and systematization of secure device pairing
M Fomichev, F Álvarez, D Steinmetzer, P Gardner-Stephen, M Hollick
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 20 (1), 517-550, 2017
Practical covert channels for WiFi systems
J Classen, M Schulz, M Hollick
Communications and Network Security (CNS), 2015 IEEE Conference on, 209-217, 2015
On the effect of node misbehavior in ad hoc networks
M Hollick, J Schmitt, C Seipl, R Steinmetz
IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 6, 3759-3763, 2004
Instrumenting Wireless Sensor Networks—A survey on the metrics that matter
D Yuan, SS Kanhere, M Hollick
Pervasive and Mobile Computing 37, 45-62, 2017
Routing performance of Wireless Mesh Networks: A practical evaluation of BATMAN advanced
D Seither, A König, M Hollick
Local Computer Networks (LCN), 2011 IEEE 36th Conference on, 897-904, 2011
Adaptive Codebook Optimization for Beam Training on Off-The-Shelf IEEE 802.11 ad Devices
J Palacios, D Steinmetzer, A Loch, M Hollick, J Widmer
Proceedings of the 24th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing …, 2018
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