Philippe Toint
Philippe Toint
Professor (Emeritus) of Numerical Optimization
Email yang diverifikasi di unamur.be - Beranda
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Trust region methods
AR Conn, NIM Gould, PL Toint
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2000
CUTE: Constrained and unconstrained testing environment
I Bongartz, AR Conn, N Gould, PL Toint
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS) 21 (1), 123-160, 1995
A globally convergent augmented Lagrangian algorithm for optimization with general constraints and simple bounds
AR Conn, NIM Gould, P Toint
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 28 (2), 545-572, 1991
LANCELOT: a Fortran package for large-scale nonlinear optimization (Release A)
AR Conn, GIM Gould, PL Toint
Springer Publishing Company, Incorporated, 1992
CUTEr and SifDec: A constrained and unconstrained testing environment, revisited
NIM Gould, D Orban, PL Toint
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS) 29 (4), 373-394, 2003
On the global convergence of a filter--SQP algorithm
R Fletcher, S Leyffer, PL Toint
SIAM Journal on Optimization 13 (1), 44-59, 2002
A globally convergent Lagrangian barrier algorithm for optimization with general inequality constraints and simple bounds
A Conn, N Gould, P Toint
Mathematics of computation 66 (217), 261-288, 1997
Adaptive cubic regularisation methods for unconstrained optimization. Part I: motivation, convergence and numerical results
C Cartis, NIM Gould, PL Toint
Mathematical Programming 127 (2), 245-295, 2011
CUTEst: a Constrained and Unconstrained Testing Environment with safe threads for mathematical optimization
NIM Gould, D Orban, PL Toint
Computational optimization and applications 60, 545-557, 2015
Global convergence of a trust-region SQP-filter algorithm for general nonlinear programming
R Fletcher, NIM Gould, S Leyffer, PL Toint, A Wächter
SIAM Journal on Optimization 13 (3), 635-659, 2002
Solving the trust-region subproblem using the Lanczos method
NIM Gould, S Lucidi, M Roma, PL Toint
SIAM Journal on Optimization 9 (2), 504-525, 1999
Adaptive cubic regularisation methods for unconstrained optimization. Part II: worst-case function-and derivative-evaluation complexity
C Cartis, NIM Gould, PL Toint
Mathematical programming 130 (2), 295-319, 2011
Towards an efficient sparsity exploiting Newton method for minimization
P Toint
Sparse matrices and their uses, 57-88, 1981
Testing a class of methods for solving minimization problems with simple bounds on the variables
AR Conn, NIM Gould, PL Toint
Mathematics of computation 50 (182), 399-430, 1988
GALAHAD, a library of thread-safe Fortran 90 packages for large-scale nonlinear optimization
NIM Gould, D Orban, PL Toint
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS) 29 (4), 353-372, 2003
Recursive trust-region methods for multiscale nonlinear optimization
S Gratton, A Sartenaer, PL Toint
SIAM Journal on Optimization 19 (1), 414-444, 2008
On the unconstrained optimization of partially separable functions
A Griewank, P Toint
Nonlinear Optimization 1981, 301-312, 1982
Non-monotone trust-region algorithms for nonlinear optimization subject to convex constraints
PL Toint
Mathematical programming 77, 69-94, 1997
An assessment of nonmonotone linesearch techniques for unconstrained optimization
PL Toint
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 17 (3), 725-739, 1996
Numerical methods for large-scale nonlinear optimization
N Gould, D Orban, P Toint
Acta Numerica 14, 299-361, 2005
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