Anna Laura Pisello
Anna Laura Pisello
University of Perugia, Italy. Dept. of Engineering - CIRIAF Interuniversity research centre
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Local climate change and urban heat island mitigation techniques–the state of the art
H Akbari, C Cartalis, D Kolokotsa, A Muscio, AL Pisello, F Rossi, ...
Journal of Civil Engineering and Management 22 (1), 1-16, 2016
State of the art on the development of cool coatings for buildings and cities
AL Pisello
Solar Energy 144, 660-680, 2017
Review of multi‐domain approaches to indoor environmental perception and behaviour
M Schweiker, E Ampatzi, MS Andargie, RK Andersen, E Azar, ...
Building and Environment 176, 106804, 2020
Environmental effects on natural frequencies of the San Pietro bell tower in Perugia, Italy, and their removal for structural performance assessment
F Ubertini, G Comanducci, N Cavalagli, AL Pisello, AL Materazzi, ...
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 82, 307-322, 2017
Analysis of retro-reflective surfaces for urban heat island mitigation: A new analytical model
F Rossi, AL Pisello, A Nicolini, M Filipponi, M Palombo
Applied energy 114, 621-631, 2014
The thermal effect of an innovative cool roof on residential buildings in Italy: Results from two years of continuous monitoring
AL Pisello, F Cotana
Energy and Buildings 69, 154-164, 2014
Inter-building effect: Simulating the impact of a network of buildings on the accuracy of building energy performance predictions
AL Pisello, JE Taylor, X Xu, F Cotana
Building and environment 58, 37-45, 2012
A review of select human-building interfaces and their relationship to human behavior, energy use and occupant comfort
JK Day, C McIlvennie, C Brackley, M Tarantini, C Piselli, J Hahn, ...
Building and environment 178, 106920, 2020
Integration of renewable technologies in historical and heritage buildings: A review
LF Cabeza, A De Gracia, AL Pisello
Energy and buildings 177, 96-111, 2018
Progress in urban greenery mitigation science–assessment methodologies advanced technologies and impact on cities
M Santamouris, G Ban-Weiss, P Osmond, R Paolini, A Synnefa, C Cartalis, ...
Journal of Civil Engineering and Management 24 (8), 638-671, 2018
On an innovative integrated technique for energy refurbishment of historical buildings: Thermal-energy, economic and environmental analysis of a case study
AL Pisello, A Petrozzi, VL Castaldo, F Cotana
Applied Energy 162, 1313-1322, 2016
What drives our behaviors in buildings? A review on occupant interactions with building systems from the lens of behavioral theories
A Heydarian, C McIlvennie, L Arpan, S Yousefi, M Syndicus, M Schweiker, ...
Building and Environment 179, 106928, 2020
Multifunctional smart concretes with novel phase change materials: Mechanical and thermo-energy investigation
A D'Alessandro, AL Pisello, C Fabiani, F Ubertini, LF Cabeza, F Cotana
Applied energy 212, 1448-1461, 2018
A method for assessing buildings’ energy efficiency by dynamic simulation and experimental activity
AL Pisello, M Goretti, F Cotana
Applied Energy 97, 419-429, 2012
Exploring mutual shading and mutual reflection inter-building effects on building energy performance
Y Han, JE Taylor, AL Pisello
Applied Energy 185, 1556-1564, 2017
Human-based energy retrofits in residential buildings: A cost-effective alternative to traditional physical strategies
AL Pisello, F Asdrubali
Applied Energy 133, 224-235, 2014
Measuring human physiological indices for thermal comfort assessment through wearable devices: A review
SA Mansi, G Barone, C Forzano, I Pigliautile, M Ferrara, AL Pisello, ...
Measurement 183, 109872, 2021
Albedo control as an effective strategy to tackle Global Warming: A case study
F Cotana, F Rossi, M Filipponi, V Coccia, AL Pisello, E Bonamente, ...
Applied Energy 130, 641-647, 2014
Optimal control of natural ventilation as passive cooling strategy for improving the energy performance of building envelope with PCM integration
C Piselli, M Prabhakar, A de Gracia, M Saffari, AL Pisello, LF Cabeza
Renewable Energy 162, 171-181, 2020
On the impact of innovative materials on outdoor thermal comfort of pedestrians in historical urban canyons
F Rosso, I Golasi, VL Castaldo, C Piselli, AL Pisello, F Salata, M Ferrero, ...
Renewable Energy 118, 825-839, 2018
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