Sudip Chakravarty
Sudip Chakravarty
Department of Physics, UCLA
Email yang diverifikasi di physics.ucla.edu
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Dynamics of the dissipative two-state system
AJ Leggett, S Chakravarty, AT Dorsey, MPA Fisher, A Garg, W Zwerger
Reviews of Modern Physics 59 (1), 1, 1987
Two-dimensional quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnet at low temperatures
S Chakravarty, BI Halperin, DR Nelson
Physical Review B 39 (4), 2344, 1989
Hidden order in the cuprates
S Chakravarty, RB Laughlin, DK Morr, C Nayak
Physical Review B 63 (9), 094503, 2001
Low-temperature behavior of two-dimensional quantum antiferromagnets
S Chakravarty, BI Halperin, DR Nelson
Physical review letters 60 (11), 1057, 1988
Interlayer tunneling and gap anisotropy in high-temperature superconductors
S Chakravarty, A Sudbø, PW Anderson, S Strong
Science 261 (5119), 337-340, 1993
Weak localization: The quasiclassical theory of electrons in a random potential
S Chakravarty, A Schmid
Physics Reports 140 (4), 193-236, 1986
Quantum fluctuations in the tunneling between superconductors
S Chakravarty
Physical Review Letters 49 (9), 681, 1982
Dynamics of the two-state system with ohmic dissipation
S Chakravarty, AJ Leggett
Physical review letters 52 (1), 5, 1984
Quantum Magnetism of CuGe
G Castilla, S Chakravarty, VJ Emery
Physical review letters 75 (9), 1823, 1995
Electronic correlation effects and superconductivity in doped fullerenes
S Chakravarty, MP Gelfand, S Kivelson
Science 254 (5034), 970-974, 1991
Monte Carlo simulation of the classical two-dimensional one-component plasma
RC Gann, S Chakravarty, GV Chester
Physical Review B 20 (1), 326, 1979
Scaling theory of two-dimensional metal-insulator transitions
V Dobrosavljević, E Abrahams, E Miranda, S Chakravarty
Physical review letters 79 (3), 455, 1997
Quantum Criticality between Topological and Band Insulators in Dimensions
P Goswami, S Chakravarty
Physical review letters 107 (19), 196803, 2011
Onset of global phase coherence in Josephson-junction arrays: a dissipative phase transition
S Chakravarty, GL Ingold, S Kivelson, A Luther
Physical review letters 56 (21), 2303, 1986
Majorana zero modes in a quantum Ising chain with longer-ranged interactions
Y Niu, SB Chung, CH Hsu, I Mandal, S Raghu, S Chakravarty
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85 (3), 035110, 2012
Critical behavior of an Ising spin-glass
RRP Singh, S Chakravarty
Physical review letters 57 (2), 245, 1986
Ageing, fragility and the reversibility window in bulk alloy glasses
S Chakravarty, DG Georgiev, P Boolchand, M Micoulaut
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 17 (1), L1, 2004
An explanation for a universality of transition temperatures in families of copper oxide superconductors
S Chakravarty, HY Kee, K Völker
Nature 428 (6978), 53-55, 2004
Superconductivity of doped fullerenes
S Chakravarty, S Kivelson
Europhysics Letters 16 (8), 751, 1991
Electron and nuclear magnetic relaxation in La 2 CuO 4 and related cuprates
S Chakravarty, R Orbach
Physical review letters 64 (2), 224, 1990
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