Yoshiko Mori
Yoshiko Mori
Professor of Japanese Language and Applied Linguistics, Georgetown University
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Epistemological beliefs and language learning beliefs: What do language learners believe about their learning?
Y Mori
Language learning 49 (3), 377-415, 1999
Effects of first language and phonological accessibility on kanji recognition
Y Mori
The Modern Language Journal 82 (1), 69-82, 1998
Integration of information from context and word elements in interpreting novel kanji compounds
Y Mori, W Nagy
Reading Research Quarterly 34 (1), 80-101, 1999
Beliefs about language learning and their relationship to the ability to integrate information from word parts and context in interpreting novel kanji words
Y Mori
The Modern language journal 83 (4), 534-547, 1999
The roles of context and word morphology in learning new kanji words
Y Mori
The Modern Language Journal 87 (3), 404-420, 2003
Japanese Language Students' Perceptions on Kanji Learning and Their Relationship to Novel Kanji Word Learning Ability
Y Mori, K Sato, H Shimizu
Language Learning 57 (1), 57-85, 2007
Japanese Language Students' Attitudes Toward Kanji and Their Perceptions on Kanji Learning Strategies
Y Mori, H Shimizu
Foreign Language Annals 40 (3), 472-490, 2007
Review of recent research (2000–2010) on learning and instruction with specific reference to L2 Japanese
Y Mori, J Mori
Language Teaching 44 (4), 447-484, 2011
Individual differences in the integration of information from context and word parts in interpreting unknown kanji words
Y Mori
Applied Psycholinguistics 23 (3), 375-397, 2002
Review of recent research on kanji processing, learning, and instruction
Y Mori
Japanese Language and Literature, 403-430, 2014
The Impact of Flipped Online Kanji Instruction on Written Vocabulary Learning for Introductory and Intermediate Japanese Language Students
Y Mori, M Omori, K Sato
Foreign language annals 49 (4), 729-749, 2016
The role of motivation and learner variables in L1 and L2 vocabulary development in Japanese heritage language speakers in the United States
Y Mori, TM Calder
Foreign Language Annals 48 (4), 730-754, 2015
The role of parental support and family variables in L1 and L2 vocabulary development of Japanese heritage language students in the United States
Y Mori, TM Calder
Foreign Language Annals 50 (4), 754-775, 2017
Bilingual Vocabulary Knowledge and Arrival Age Among Japanese Heritage Language Students at Hoshuukoo
Y Mori, TM Calder
Foreign Language Annals 46 (2), 290-310, 2013
The trends and developments of L2 Japanese research in the 2010s
Y Mori, A Hasegawa, J Mori
Language Teaching 54 (1), 90-127, 2021
Five myths about" kanji" and" kanji" learning
Y Mori
Japanese Language and Literature, 143-169, 2012
Vocabulary acquisition in Japanese
Y Mori
An invitation to second language acquisition: In honor of Seiichi Makino …, 2003
Perceptual differences about kanji instruction: Native versus nonnative, and secondary versus postsecondary instructors of Japanese
Y Mori
Foreign language annals 53 (3), 550-575, 2020
Beliefs about language learning and their relationship to the ability to integrate information from multiple sources in interpreting novel kanji compounds
Y Mori
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1996
Integration of Information from Context and Semantic Decomposition in Learning New Words.
Y Mori
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