Corinna C Maaß
Corinna C Maaß
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Swimming droplets
CC Maass, C Krüger, S Herminghaus, C Bahr
Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics 7 (1), 171-193, 2016
Chemotaxis and autochemotaxis of self-propelling droplet swimmers
C Jin, C Krüger, CC Maass
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (20), 5089-5094, 2017
Interfacial mechanisms in active emulsions
S Herminghaus, CC Maass, C Krüger, S Thutupalli, L Goehring, C Bahr
Soft matter 10 (36), 7008-7022, 2014
Curling liquid crystal microswimmers: a cascade of spontaneous symmetry breaking
C Krüger, G Klös, C Bahr, CC Maass
Physical review letters 117 (4), 048003, 2016
Self-replication of information-bearing nanoscale patterns
T Wang, R Sha, R Dreyfus, ME Leunissen, C Maass, DJ Pine, PM Chaikin, ...
Nature 478 (7368), 225-228, 2011
Self-assembled three-dimensional chiral colloidal architecture
MY Ben Zion, X He, CC Maass, R Sha, NC Seeman, PM Chaikin
Science 358 (6363), 633-636, 2017
Experimental investigation of the freely cooling granular gas
CC Maaß, N Isert, G Maret, CM Aegerter
Physical review letters 100 (24), 248001, 2008
Emergence of bimodal motility in active droplets
BV Hokmabad, R Dey, M Jalaal, D Mohanty, M Almukambetova, ...
Physical review X 11 (1), 011043, 2021
Self-propelled droplets
R Seemann, JB Fleury, CC Maass
The European Physical Journal Special Topics 225, 2227-2240, 2016
Chemotactic self-caging in active emulsions
BV Hokmabad, J Agudo-Canalejo, S Saha, R Golestanian, CC Maass
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (24), e2122269119, 2022
Dimensionality matters in the collective behaviour of active emulsions
C Krueger, C Bahr, S Herminghaus, CC Maass
The European Physical Journal E 39, 1-9, 2016
Topological stabilization and dynamics of self-propelling nematic shells
BV Hokmabad, KA Baldwin, C Krüger, C Bahr, CC Maass
Physical review letters 123 (17), 178003, 2019
Spontaneously rotating clusters of active droplets
BV Hokmabad, A Nishide, P Ramesh, C Krueger, C Maass
Soft Matter 18 (14), 2731-2741, 2022
Chemotactic droplet swimmers in complex geometries
C Jin, BV Hokmabad, KA Baldwin, CC Maass
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 30 (5), 054003, 2018
Oscillatory rheotaxis of artificial swimmers in microchannels
R Dey, CM Buness, BV Hokmabad, C Jin, CC Maass
Nature communications 13 (1), 2952, 2022
Collective entrainment and confinement amplify transport by schooling microswimmers
C Jin, Y Chen, CC Maass, AJTM Mathijssen
Physical review letters 127 (8), 088006, 2021
Fine balance of chemotactic and hydrodynamic torques: When microswimmers orbit a pillar just once
C Jin, J Vachier, S Bandyopadhyay, T Macharashvili, CC Maass
Physical Review E 100 (4), 040601, 2019
Influence of gravity on a granular Maxwell’s demon experiment
N Isert, CC Maaß, CM Aegerter
The European Physical Journal E 28, 205-210, 2009
Interfacial activity dynamics of confined active droplets
P Ramesh, BV Hokmabad, DO Pushkin, AJTM Mathijssen, CC Maass
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 966, A29, 2023
Hydrodynamic interactions between squirmers near walls: far-field dynamics and near-field cluster stability
A Théry, CC Maaß, E Lauga
Royal Society Open Science 10 (6), 230223, 2023
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