Artikel dengan mandat akses publik - Chun YangPelajari lebih lanjut
Tidak tersedia di mana pun: 21
Comparison of direct numerical simulation with volume-averaged method on composite phase change materials for thermal energy storage
X Yang, Q Bai, Z Guo, Z Niu, C Yang, L Jin, TJ Lu, J Yan
Applied energy 229, 700-714, 2018
Mandat: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Interdroplet freezing wave propagation of condensation frosting on micropillar patterned superhydrophobic surfaces of varying pitches
Y Zhao, R Wang, C Yang
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 108, 1048-1056, 2017
Mandat: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Influence of aspect ratios for a tilted cavity on the melting heat transfer of phase change materials embedded in metal foam
X Yang, X Wang, Z Liu, Z Guo, L Jin, C Yang
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 122, 105127, 2021
Mandat: National Natural Science Foundation of China
“Warm in Winter and Cool in Summer”: Scalable Biochameleon Inspired Temperature-Adaptive Coating with Easy Preparation and Construction
Yan Dong, Weifeng Meng, Fuqiang Wang, Han Ha, Huaxu Liang, Xiang Li, Yanan ...
Nano Letters 23 (19), 9034-9041, 2023
Mandat: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Absolute instability induced by Marangoni effect in thin liquid film flows on vertical cylindrical surfaces
Z Ding, R Liu, TN Wong, C Yang
Chemical Engineering Science 177, 261-269, 2018
Mandat: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Membrane-based indirect power generation technologies for harvesting salinity gradient energy-A review
Y Jiao, L Song, C Zhao, Y An, W Lu, B He, C Yang
Desalination 525, 115485, 2022
Mandat: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Evaporation of a sessile droplet on flat surfaces: An axisymmetric lattice Boltzmann model with consideration of contact angle hysteresis
C Zhang, H Zhang, X Zhang, C Yang, P Cheng
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 178, 121577, 2021
Mandat: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Promote anti-/de-frosting by suppressing directional ice bridging
Y Zhao, Z Yan, H Zhang, C Yang, P Cheng
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 165, 120609, 2021
Mandat: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Breakup of ultra-thin liquid films on vertical fiber enhanced by Marangoni effect
Z Ding, Z Liu, R Liu, C Yang
Chemical Engineering Science 199, 342-348, 2019
Mandat: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Continuous flow microfluidic cell inactivation with the use of insulating micropillars for multiple electroporation zones
S Pudasaini, ATK Perera, D Das, SH Ng, C Yang
Electrophoresis 40 (18-19), 2522-2529, 2019
Mandat: A*Star, Singapore
Droplet impact and freezing dynamics on ultra-cold surfaces: A scaling analysis of central-concave pattern
X Zhang, K Li, Z Zhu, WZ Fang, FQ Zhu, C Yang
Applied Thermal Engineering 239, 122135, 2024
Mandat: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Bacterial inactivation via microfluidic electroporation device with insulating micropillars
S Pudasaini, ATK Perera, SH Ng, C Yang
Electrophoresis 42 (9-10), 1093-1101, 2021
Mandat: A*Star, Singapore
Numerical analysis of thermal conductivity effect on thermophoresis of a charged colloidal particle in aqueous media
Y Zhou, C Zhao, K Li, C Yang
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 142, 118421, 2019
Mandat: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Kinetics of colloidal particle deposition in microfluidic systems under temperature gradients: experiment and modelling
Z Yan, X Huang, L Shui, C Yang
Soft Matter 16 (15), 3649-3656, 2020
Mandat: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Visualization study of co-existing boiling and condensation heat transfer in a confined flat thermosyphon
S Qin, Y Liu, C Yang, L Jin, C Yang, X Meng
Energy 285, 129392, 2023
Mandat: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Probabilistic optimal interpolation for data assimilation between machine learning model predictions and real time observations
Y Wei, AWK Law, C Yang
Journal of Computational Science 67, 101977, 2023
Mandat: National Research Foundation, Singapore
Towards malaria field diagnosis based on surface-enhanced Raman scattering with on-chip sample preparation and near-analyte nanoparticle synthesis
C Yuen, X Gao, JJM Yong, P Prakash, CR Shobana, PAT Kaushalya, ...
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 343, 130162, 2021
Mandat: A*Star, Singapore
Analytical analysis of anisotropic thermophoresis of a charged spheroidal colloid in aqueous media for extremely thin EDL cases
Y Zhou, C Zhu, K Bian, M Yang, C Yang
Electrophoresis 42 (21-22), 2391-2400, 2021
Mandat: National Natural Science Foundation of China
A numerical study on ion concentration polarization and electric circuit performance of an electrokinetic battery
Y Jiao, C Zhao, C Yang, Y Kang, X Gao, H Wang, L Song, B He
Electrophoresis 41 (10-11), 811-820, 2020
Mandat: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Numerical analysis of thermophoresis of charged colloidal particles in non‐Newtonian concentrated electrolyte solutions
Y Zhou, X Deng, S Liang, C Zhao, C Yang
Electrophoresis 43 (21-22), 2267-2275, 2022
Mandat: National Natural Science Foundation of China
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