cengiz yilmaz
cengiz yilmaz
Email yang diverifikasi di agu.edu.tr
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Innovative capability, innovation strategy and market orientation: an empirical analysis in Turkish software industry
G Akman, C Yilmaz
International journal of innovation management 12 (01), 69-111, 2008
Organizational culture and firm effectiveness: An examination of relative effects of culture traits and the balanced culture hypothesis in an emerging economy
C Yilmaz, E Ergun
Journal of world business 43 (3), 290-306, 2008
Cultural determinants of customer-and learning-oriented value systems and their joint effects on firm performance
C Yilmaz, L Alpkan, E Ergun
Journal of business research 58 (10), 1340-1352, 2005
Salesperson cooperation: The influence of relational, task, organizational, and personal factors
C Yilmaz, SD Hunt
Journal of the academy of marketing science 29 (4), 335-357, 2001
Learning process in new product development teams and effects on product success: A socio-cognitive perspective
AE Akgün, GS Lynn, C Yılmaz
Industrial Marketing Management 35 (2), 210-224, 2006
Market orientation and planning flexibility in SMEs: performance implications and an empirical investigation
L Alpkan, C Yilmaz, N Kaya
International Small Business Journal 25 (2), 152-172, 2007
Şirket girişimciliğinin şirket performansina etkileri
L Alpkan, E Ergün, Ç Bulut, C Yılmaz
Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi 6 (2), 175-189, 2005
Predictors of attitudinal and behavioral outcomes in mobile advertising: A field experiment
K Varnali, C Yilmaz, A Toker
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 11 (6), 570-581, 2012
Joint and interactive effects of trust and (inter) dependence on relational behaviors in long-term channel dyads
C Yilmaz, B Sezen, O Ozdemir
Industrial Marketing Management 34 (3), 235-248, 2005
Supplier fairness as a mediating factor in the supplier performance–reseller satisfaction relationship
C Yilmaz, B Sezen, ET Kabadayı
Journal of Business Research 57 (8), 854-863, 2004
Pazar oryantasyonu boyutlarinin firma performansina etkileri
Ç Bulut, C Yılmaz, L Alpkan
Ege Akademik Bakış Dergisi 9 (2), 2009
Performance implications of institutionalization process in family-owned businesses: Evidence from an emerging economy
G Alpay, M Bodur, C Yılmaz, S Çetinkaya, L Arıkan
Journal of World Business 43 (4), 435-448, 2008
Relative effects of dependence and trust on flexibility, information exchange, and solidarity in marketing channels
B Sezen, C Yilmaz
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 22 (1), 41-51, 2007
How do firms benefit from customer complaints?
C Yilmaz, K Varnali, BT Kasnakoglu
Journal of Business Research 69 (2), 944-955, 2016
Salesperson performance and job attitudes revisited: An extended model and effects of potential moderators
C Yilmaz
European Journal of Marketing 36 (11/12), 1389-1414, 2002
The effectiveness of green advertising: influences of claim specificity, product's environmental relevance and consumers' pro-environmental orientation
U Alniacik, C Yilmaz
Amfiteatru Economic Journal 14 (31), 207-222, 2012
How does innovativeness yield superior firm performance? The role of marketing effectiveness
G Alpay, M Bodur, C Yilmaz, P Büyükbalci
Innovation 14 (1), 107-128, 2012
Source characteristics and advertising effectiveness: The roles of message processing motivation and product category knowledge
C Yilmaz, E Eser Telci, M Bodur, T Eker Iscioglu
International Journal of Advertising 30 (5), 889-914, 2011
Promoting organizational citizenship behaviors: Relative effects of job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and perceived managerial fairness
A Ertürk, C Yılmaz, A Ceylan
Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi (Ankara, Turkey), 2004
A typology of personalisation practices in marketing in the digital age
N Cavdar Aksoy, E Tumer Kabadayi, C Yilmaz, A Kocak Alan
Journal of marketing management 37 (11-12), 1091-1122, 2021
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