Daniel Brod
Daniel Brod
Assistant Professor at the Universidade Federal Fluminense
Email yang diverifikasi di id.uff.br
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Integrated multimode interferometers with arbitrary designs for photonic boson sampling
A Crespi, R Osellame, R Ramponi, DJ Brod, EF Galvao, N Spagnolo, ...
Nature photonics 7 (7), 545-549, 2013
Experimental validation of photonic boson sampling
N Spagnolo, C Vitelli, M Bentivegna, DJ Brod, A Crespi, F Flamini, ...
Nature Photonics 8 (8), 615-620, 2014
Experimental scattershot boson sampling
M Bentivegna, N Spagnolo, C Vitelli, F Flamini, N Viggianiello, L Latmiral, ...
Science advances 1 (3), e1400255, 2015
Photonic implementation of boson sampling: a review
DJ Brod, EF Galvão, A Crespi, R Osellame, N Spagnolo, F Sciarrino
Advanced Photonics 1 (3), 034001-034001, 2019
Classical simulation of photonic linear optics with lost particles
M Oszmaniec, DJ Brod
New Journal of Physics 20 (9), 092002, 2018
BosonSampling with lost photons
S Aaronson, DJ Brod
Physical Review A 93 (1), 012335, 2016
Regimes of classical simulability for noisy Gaussian boson sampling
H Qi, DJ Brod, N Quesada, R García-Patrón
Physical review letters 124 (10), 100502, 2020
General rules for bosonic bunching in multimode interferometers
N Spagnolo, C Vitelli, L Sansoni, E Maiorino, P Mataloni, F Sciarrino, ...
Physical review letters 111 (13), 130503, 2013
Passive CPHASE gate via cross-Kerr nonlinearities
DJ Brod, J Combes
Physical review letters 117 (8), 080502, 2016
Experimental generalized quantum suppression law in Sylvester interferometers
N Viggianiello, F Flamini, L Innocenti, D Cozzolino, M Bentivegna, ...
New Journal of Physics 20 (3), 033017, 2018
Bayesian approach to boson sampling validation
M Bentivegna, N Spagnolo, C Vitelli, DJ Brod, A Crespi, F Flamini, ...
International Journal of Quantum Information 12 (07n08), 1560028, 2015
Efficient classical simulation of matchgate circuits with generalized inputs and measurements
DJ Brod
Physical Review A 93, 062332, 2016
Classical simulation of linear optics subject to nonuniform losses
DJ Brod, M Oszmaniec
Quantum 4, 267, 2020
Witnessing genuine multiphoton indistinguishability
DJ Brod, EF Galvão, N Viggianiello, F Flamini, N Spagnolo, F Sciarrino
Physical review letters 122 (6), 063602, 2019
The complexity of bipartite Gaussian boson sampling
D Grier, DJ Brod, JM Arrazola, MB de Andrade Alonso, N Quesada
Quantum 6, 863, 2022
Extending matchgates into universal quantum computation
DJ Brod, EF Galvao
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 84 (2), 022310, 2011
Two photons co- and counterpropagating through cross-Kerr sites
DJ Brod, J Combes, J Gea-Banacloche
Physical Review A 94 (2), 023833, 2016
The computational power of matchgates and the XY interaction on arbitrary graphs
DJ Brod, AM Childs
Quantum Information and Computation 14, 901-916, 2014
Complexity of simulating constant-depth BosonSampling
DJ Brod
Physical Review A 91 (4), 042316, 2015
Measuring relational information between quantum states, and applications
M Oszmaniec, DJ Brod, EF Galvão
New Journal of Physics 26 (1), 013053, 2024
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