Gunnar Brandt
Gunnar Brandt
Brockmann Consult
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Mechanisms shaping size structure and functional diversity of phytoplankton communities in the ocean
E Acevedo-Trejos, G Brandt, J Bruggeman, A Merico
Scientific reports 5 (1), 8918, 2015
Earth system data cubes unravel global multivariate dynamics
MD Mahecha, F Gans, G Brandt, R Christiansen, SE Cornell, N Fomferra, ...
Earth System Dynamics 11 (1), 201-234, 2020
Rapid invasion of Crassostrea gigas into the German Wadden Sea dominated by larval supply
G Brandt, A Wehrmann, KW Wirtz
Journal of Sea Research 59 (4), 279-296, 2008
Biogeographical patterns of phytoplankton community size structure in the oceans
E Acevedo‐Trejos, G Brandt, A Merico, SL Smith
Global Ecology and Biogeography 22 (9), 1060-1070, 2013
The slow demise of Easter Island: insights from a modeling investigation
G Brandt, A Merico
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 3, 13, 2015
Sustaining diversity in trait-based models of phytoplankton communities
A Merico, G Brandt, SL Smith, M Oliver
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 2, 59, 2014
A glimpse into the future composition of marine phytoplankton communities
E Acevedo-Trejos, G Brandt, M Steinacher, A Merico
Frontiers in Marine Science 1, 15, 2014
Human adaptive behavior in common pool resource systems
G Brandt, A Merico, B Vollan, A Schlüter
PloS one 7 (12), e52763, 2012
Sizing-up nutrient uptake kinetics: combining a physiological trade-off with size-scaling of phytoplankton traits
SL Smith, A Merico, S Hohn, G Brandt
Marine Ecology Progress Series 511, 33-39, 2014
Tipping points and user-resource system collapse in a simple model of evolutionary dynamics
G Brandt, A Merico
Ecological Complexity 13, 46-52, 2013
A trait-based model for describing the adaptive dynamics of coral-algae symbiosis
NA Raharinirina, G Brandt, A Merico
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 5, 31, 2017
PhytoSFDM version 1.0. 0: phytoplankton size and functional diversity model
E Acevedo-Trejos, G Brandt, SL Smith, A Merico
Geoscientific Model Development 9 (11), 4071-4085, 2016
Data cubes for earth system research: Challenges ahead
D Montero, G Kraemer, A Anghelea, CLA Camacho, G Brandt, ...
EarthArXiv, 2023
Earth system data cubes unravel global multivariate dynamics, Earth Syst. Dynam., 11, 201–234
MD Mahecha, F Gans, G Brandt, R Christiansen, SE Cornell, N Fomferra, ...
Mechanisms shaping phytoplankton community structure and diversity in the ocean
E Acevedo-Trejos, G Brandt, J Bruggeman, A Merico
Sci. Rep 5 (8918), 10.1038, 2015
Interannual variability of alongshore spring bloom dynamics in a coastal sea caused by the differential influence of hydrodynamics and light climate
G Brandt, KW Wirtz
Biogeosciences 7 (1), 371-386, 2010
Unpredicted ecosystem response to compound human impacts in a European river
J Köhler, E Varga, S Spahr, J Gessner, K Stelzer, G Brandt, MD Mahecha, ...
Scientific Reports 14 (1), 16445, 2024
PhytoSFDM version 1.0. 0: phytoplankton size and functional diversity model. Geosci. Model. Dev. 9, 4071–4085. doi: 10.5194
E Acevedo-Trejos, G Brandt, SL Smith, A Merico
gmd-9-4071-2016, 2016
The emerging Earth System Data Cube: Idea, implementation, and first scientific case studies
M Mahecha, F Gans, M Reichstein, G Brandt, N Fomferra, H Permana, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 11813, 2017
Earth system data cubes: Avenues for advancing earth system research
D Montero, G Kraemer, A Anghelea, C Aybar, G Brandt, G Camps-Valls, ...
Environmental Data Science 3, e27, 2024
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